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The Reality of a Long Distance Relationship: Gossip Girl Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

For those of you who have been in a long distance relationship or even have/had a friend in one we can all agree that being away from your other half is a real buzzkill. The older generations will tell you, “You’re just lucky you have Facetime,” but in reality, that statement just makes it worse. To lighten your mood until the next time you see your significant other, here is… The Reality of a Long Distance Relationship, told by the one and only Gossip Girl.


1. Having absolutely no one to impress therefore I am going to wear leggings everyday, put hair my in a bun, wash my hair occasionally, and never shave my legs



2. When someone asks you if you miss your significant other and you don’t know how to respond without being rude



3. When all you have is a picture of them…



4. When you see another couple holding hands or doing something totally precious and you just stand there thinking that could be you but then you remember that you’re in a long distance relationship



5. Spending the majority of your time thinking about the next time you are going to see your other half, or just waiting for them to text you back



6. Going out to the bar for “Girl’s Night” is really never going out for the girls…here we go again



7. Snuggling with stuffed animals or a body pillow: no comment necessary


8. Studying for a test? More like planning the perfect date night that is happening is the wayyyyy distant future


9. The day before you see your partner:

            -Wash Hair

            -Shave Legs

            -Pluck Eyebrows

            -Paint Nails

            -Hair Appointment

            -New Outfit

            Turn back into the perfect significant other



10. BUT when you finally see each other… it is totally worth it!


here to express never to impress.
Colleen Zewe

Saint Mary's '18

I love fall, holidays, PSLs and forcing my dog to take pictures with me for Snapchat.