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The Power of a Person

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Have you ever regretted not going to the gym? Eating that third slice of pizza? Writing that research paper the night before it’s due? If you have struggled with any of the above and want to make this the best semester yet, find yourself an accountability partner.


About four years ago, my family changed our health lifestyle. No processed foods, fruits, and lots and lots of vegetables. Getting to college and not having access to my typical lifestyle was hard. I tried my best to work with the selection at the dining hall, but we all know that grilled chicken is old after eating it six days a week.


My sophomore year, I regretted not going to the gym more often and eating that third slice of pizza. I was working out about three to four days a week, but my workouts weren’t that productive and I typically didn’t look forward to going. I would eat somewhat healthy during the week, and eat even worse on the weekends; nothing like my lifestyle at home. It was this constant, vicious cycle I struggled with every week. By the end of my sophomore year, I was sick of feeling so horribly about myself, and I had no self-confidence.



Feeling so negatively about myself really took a toll on my mental health. My parents noticed I had changed. I couldn’t find happiness by going to the gym, and I couldn’t change my bad eating habits I fell into. After many phone conversations with my mom, she told me, “You need an accountability partner. How about a personal trainer? I know someone.” This is something I have always wanted to do, but never asked for, so I jumped at her idea. I was ready to make a commitment to  be healthy.



The first day I got home for summer break, I scheduled my appointment with my personal trainer and started my personal fitness journey two days later. I worked out with her twice a week, and she gave me online workouts through an app for the other four days of the week. The app tracks my workouts, and since May 12, I have completed 94 productive workouts. If I didn’t have my trainer, my accountability partner, there is no way I would be working out six days a week and pushing my body to its physical limits. Even while I’m at school, I still log my workouts and keep in touch with my trainer daily because I need someone to help keep me accountable.


But life throws challenges in our way. I established this perfect workout plan, set my goals, and fit my workouts in while working three jobs over the summer. Everything was going great. But when I got that email stating that Angela was going to be closed for construction until Fall 2017, I was devastated. I was afraid everything I worked for would be gone without access to an adequate amount of equipment. But by the end of the summer, my trainer and I found a way to overcome this challenge together. We decided I would need to keep in touch with her daily, and work with the fitness equipment that Saint Mary’s does have to offer me.



It’s not realistic for everyone to get a personal trainer, but it is realistic for everyone to have an accountability partner. We all need a “personal cheerleader” to help achieve our goals. We need someone who has similar goals and who can keep us on track. If you want to start going to the gym more, ask a friend to go with you, and set some goals together. If you want to start eating healthier and not eat that third slice of pizza, ask a friend to commit to eating a salad with you instead. If you want to start earlier on that 20 page research paper, ask a classmate to go to the library and start on the paper weeks before it’s due.


In just four months, I am feeling more confident about myself and I live a much healthier lifestyle that I will continue to follow the rest of my life. Going to the gym has affected all areas of my life. I’m a different person than I was in May because one person made a commitment with me. Don’t be afraid to ask someone who may be interested in a similar activity or lifestyle, help keep you accountable. It is unbelievable the difference just one person can have on your life. Make a commitment. Find yourself an accountability partner. Achieve your goals together. It will change your life. Because honestly, have you ever regretted a workout? Eating healthy? Finishing a paper early?

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Marin Zumwald

Saint Mary's

I'm a junior at Saint Mary's College from Dayton, OH who loves labradoodle's, reading, and working out. I am studying Social Work and minoring in Psychology. I love to explore Her Campus SMC because it always reminds me how thankful I am to be a Belle, and attend such a prestigious college!
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Claire Condon

Saint Mary's

I think in Instagram captions.