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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

In the News: Christmas at Saint Mary’s College, Belle-Style

‘Twas 3 weeks before Christmas and all through Saint Mary’s, not a Belle was stirring, not even a Smick. The stockings were hung in LeMans with care, in hopes that President Mooney soon would be there.

Picture Thanksgiving day…everyone has left campus to celebrate with their families, but behind the scenes at Saint Mary’s, elves are working hard. (Those elves being our lovely RA’s and hall directors) And so it begins, it’s the holiday season! (The holiday season…) Thanksgiving has passed and December is here. Returning to Saint Mary’s after the four-day break is like walking straight into a holiday wonderland…and we are NOT complaining.

Christmastime at Saint Mary’s is nothing short of a winter wonderland. When the snow is falling, it looks as if we are all living in some fantasy snow globe of a world. It is a place fit for a princess, so thank goodness LeMans is our very own princess castle, and throw some Christmas lights in the windows and you’ve got one beautiful building. Nowhere else embraces the holiday spirit quite like an all girls’ school does, that’s for sure, and Saint Mary’s takes it home. Among the tinsel hanging in LeMans, the giant, sparkly Christmas tree standing tall in the student center, and the advent wreath in Regina, we are really getting in to the Christmas spirit in the best ways possible.

The Christmas events are endless and it is nearly impossible to not find something to get excited about! Belles have so many options to spread Christmas cheer by either participating in the Adopt a Family program, singing Christmas carols with the Saint Mary’s choir, or enjoying Christmas tea with the Sisters of the Holy Cross while donating canned food for those in the South Bend area who can not afford a Christmas dinner.

Madrigal dinners are another great part of the Christmas festivities happening on campus. During the first weekend in December, members of the community are invited to attend a 7-course dinner in a decorated, 19th century-looking Regina North lounge. The dinner includes exceptional Christmas carol-singing from the SMC choir and service from the best servers around, Saint Mary’s girls, of course! To get some extra cash for the holidays, current Belles are provided with the opportunity to be waitresses at these dinners and get to dress up in fun, Christmas dresses and bonnets. (The free Cheesecake of course being one of the greatest incentives.) Professors and alumnae alike enjoy this Christmas tradition and have a joyful experience that keeps them coming back each year.

As if the Student Center isn’t already extremely festive, on Saturday December 7th from 11 to 1:30, it will be turned into even more of a winter wonderland. Sponsored by the Student Activities Board, an opportunity to join for some Christmas crafts, food, pictures with Santa, and hanging with many of the local children of South Bend will be happening! An afternoon spent with some adorable children telling Santa what they want for Christmas is sure to really heighten the Christmas joy in all of our hearts.

One very important thing to note about Saint Mary’s Belles is that we all have this totally understandable admiration for our lovely President, Carol Ann Mooney. We love her probably more than we love Christmas dinner in the dining hall, and that is a lot! Sooo…why not take some adorable Christmas card pictures with the best person in the entire universe of Smickland, USA?! On December 12th from 6 to 7:30 p.m., in Stapleton Lounge in LeMans, the opportunity to have the greatest Christmas card of all time will present itself. Accompanied by free holiday goodies and activities, what more could you ask for on a winter’s evening? Being able to choose between a Fireplace scene and a Christmas tree scene, Belles will be able to take pictures with President Mooney for $5 per person or $15 for groups of 3-5 people! Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me.

Along with all the fun festivities, we are very aware of the true meaning behind the Christmas season. Campus Ministry reminds us to not forget about December Sunday masses, where the advent wreath is lit and the Christmas hymns are praising. Mass at Saint Mary’s is always a beautiful, close-knit experience and is even more gorgeous with a few Christmas carols. Our identity as a Catholic school is exemplified during the Christmas season and to us, this is by far the most important part of the holiday season.  

Although Christmas is short-lived and sometimes overshadowed by the dreaded finals week, it is truly the greatest season of all time at Saint Mary’s and wearing ugly Christmas sweaters to class is never frowned upon. Got some footie pajama Santa pants? Still acceptable…this is an all girl’s school, remember?

So jingle Belles, jingle Belles, jingle all the way!


Photos provided by the author

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Hannah Drinkall

Saint Mary's

Hannah graduated Saint Mary's College (May 2016) with a major in Communication Studies & a minor in Public Relations & Advertising. She was the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Saint Mary's, which she co-founded in December 2013. She's from Florida, and she is now working in New York City with New York Times best selling author, Adriana Trigiani. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, @hannahdrinkall!