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Irish Belles Working Together: Campus Celebrities: SMC’s Meghan Flanagan and ND’s Bernie Jordan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Saint Mary’s Belle, Meghan Flanagan (otherwise called “Flan”, featured on the left of the photo) is known on campus for not only being highly involved with SMC and ND alike, but also for her willingness to take charge of anything she feels strongly about. When Meghan and former SMC-current ND student, Bernie Jordan (right) joined forces to spread the news of their internet-based club, the response was huge! So many students at Saint Mary’s and Notre Dame are enthusiastic about being a part of the Let’s Share the Sun Haiti Club, and to find out why, I asked Meghan a few questions.

1) What exactly is LSS Haiti club?

Let’s Share the Sun Haiti Club (LSS Haiti Club) is an interest-based club, with a future goal of service in Haiti, open to students from Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, or Holy Cross College. It is a branch of the Let’s Share the Sun Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by my friend, Bernie Jordan’s parents. We’re really hoping to gather students interested in helping the mission of the Let’s Share the Sun Foundation, which aims to provide solar energy to the poor around the world, with a concentration in Haiti for now.

2) What is the main goal of the club?

Our main goal is to raise enough money (through the club and in collaboration with the LSS Foundation) before we graduate in 2016 to send a group of students interested (including ourselves) to Haiti with the foundation. In Haiti, we will help install solar panels and provide our services to Haitians in need.

3) How are you preparing now for the future mission trip to Haiti?

We are being realistic, but with such driven students at SMC, ND, and HCC, a strong alumnae network, and hard work and dedication, I really believe that we can make this happen. Ideally, we will have developed such a strong student organization that when we graduate, the new leaders of the club will continue organizing trips to Haiti and possibly other areas of the world. At this point in time, we are organizing a lantern run/walk event, maybe a 5K, held at night that will spread awareness of the lack of electricity in many areas of the world.  Hopefully this will be big hit and we can make it an annual or even semi-annual event. The lanterns will represent these really cool solar-powered lanterns (shown in the video below) that the foundation has already produced and distributed to a certain area in Haiti.

4) What are these lanterns exactly and how do they work?

I am not sure of all of the technology behind it, but the lanterns charge up during the day and even have an outlet on them to plug something into. For example, a Haitian student could let it charge up during the school day while charging a cell phone using solar power, and then have a light to guide them home, when they previously had no choice but to walk home in the dark – and there are no street lights like we have here. One lantern costs $50 and we would love to provide as many people as possible with this great invention, so we are really looking forward to spreading the word and hopefully seeing this event become a great success!

5) How can I join?

Saint Mary’s has already given me so many opportunities that I am happy I took advantage of. Being a small college with such motivated students and supportive faculty, it was easy to find a core group of people to help us start this club. I’m so excited to see this club really take off and send our first group to Haiti with the foundation. Students and faculty in this area have so much heart and such a strong drive, and that is really the key here. I would be hesitant to start up this club anywhere else, but after seeing how much we are all capable of when working together, I know we can and will accomplish our goals. Please check out our Facebook page for more information and contact me about joining!



Website for the foundation: http://letssharethesun.org/

Video that makes anyone with a heart want to go to Haiti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRdLVB7zO2o#t=24

Contact mflana01@saintmarys.edu if you’re a student interested in joining the club, or if you’re simply interested in contributing to the organization!


Photo provided by author

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Hannah Drinkall

Saint Mary's

Hannah graduated Saint Mary's College (May 2016) with a major in Communication Studies & a minor in Public Relations & Advertising. She was the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Saint Mary's, which she co-founded in December 2013. She's from Florida, and she is now working in New York City with New York Times best selling author, Adriana Trigiani. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, @hannahdrinkall!