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Campus Cutie: Lydia Xiao Tang Lorenc

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Name: Lydia ‘Xian Tang’ Lorenc

Major: Biology

Hometown: South Bend, Indiana

Plans after graduation: *fingers crossed* dental school at Indiana University

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving tradition? — baking homemade noodles with my family!

Are you going shopping on Black Friday? — yes, at midnight of course!!


What’s your favorite part of Saint Mary’s in the fall? — the leaves on the Ave are so beautiful!




What’s something you do to help you get through finals week? – after weeping in my sleep, I make a schedule for myself and set small goals to help me focus




What’s your secret creation to make in the dining hall? — rice noodles with soy sauce because it reminds me of home

Are you going to Midnight Breakfast? — yes, it’s my favorite!




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Marin Zumwald

Saint Mary's

I'm a junior at Saint Mary's College from Dayton, OH who loves labradoodle's, reading, and working out. I am studying Social Work and minoring in Psychology. I love to explore Her Campus SMC because it always reminds me how thankful I am to be a Belle, and attend such a prestigious college!
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Claire Condon

Saint Mary's

I think in Instagram captions.