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Campus Cutie: Kellyn Schmitt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Meet this week’s campus cutie, Kellyn! You can find her by picking out one of the few red heads in the dining hall, cuddling with blankey, standing in line for a build-your-own pizza, or wearing her Notre Dame football manger jumpsuit.

Major: Business with concentrations in Management and Marketing

Hometown: Downers Grove, IL

Favorite Building on Campus: My favorite Building is, the castle, Le Mans and I could list a hundred reasons why but it’s just so beautiful and filled with history.

Best part of being an ND football Manager: It’s really difficult to depict one thing because it’s all so incredible. However, the best part is being surrounded by all of the tradition that goes along with Notre Dame Football while creating friendships that I know are going to last a lifetime. I also love getting to travel to away games.

Do you miss tailgating: From time to time I do miss tailgating with my friends and that’s usually when they’re getting ready to leave. But there’s no feeling like being on the field during the games. It’s a whole other world. To this day, I still get the chills when Here Come the Irish starts to play before kickoff.

If you could spend one day with a famous person who would it be? Why: The Chicago Blackhawks because they’re perfect.

Drink of choice: Chocolate Milk

Favorite meal of all time: My mom’s homemade Italian beef, pizza or Caesar salad.

Are you in love/ with whom and why: I’m in love with my baby blanket, banks, because she’s always down to snuggle. In addition, I think my boyfriend, Sam, is pretty cool too.

Best memory while at SMC: Nugget day and watching the hypnotist show.

Hey, look! This campus cutie is also famous. Go Belles!

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E-mail hannahdrinkall@hercampus.com or thereseburke@hercampus.com for inquiries!