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Campus Celebrity: Kelsey Trimble

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

A few weeks ago, hairdressers packed into the LaFortune Student Center at Notre dame armed with scissors and shears. The Bald and the Beautiful was an event to raise money and support for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a charity committed to funding research for cancer, particularly childhood cancer. What makes St. Baldrick’s unique is that participants can sign up to shave their heads when they’ve reached their goal amount of donations.

One participant from Saint Mary’s was Kelsey Trimble. She ended up raising over 7,000 dollars, and shaved her whole head! I asked Kelsey about her experience with St. Baldrick’s.

How did you hear about St. Baldrick’s?

A lot of the high schools in my hometown participate in St. Baldrick’s events. My high school did not participate but I always wanted to take part in it!  

What made you want to participate?

I wanted to participate in this event and raise money for pediatric cancer because it is very underfunded. Each day a child dies from cancer and each day more children find out they have cancer. I feel that no one in life should have to fight a battle this large and especially not a child. I have had many family and friends fight the battle against cancer in which some have won and some have lost and it is my goal, in raising this money to find the cure, that everyone can win the fight.

How did people react when you said you were shaving your head?

When I told people that I was going to shave my head there were many mixed reactions. Some thought it was amazing and some thought it was a little unusual but everyone was very supportive, especially my friends.

Were you scared to shave your head?

People frequently asked me if I was scared or nervous about shaving my head, but I never really was. I knew it was just hair that would grow back and I had put so much effort into raising so much money that I was more excited then anything. The day of the shave some close friends and my basketball team came with to support me and there are no words to describe how thankful I was to have them there with me!

What’s it like having a shaved head?

When I looked in the mirror the first time I was very shocked, but in a good way! Now that it’s over when people ask why my hair is short and I explain why I did it and how much I raised they are proud and support what I did! Doing this was an amazing experience that I will never forget!


Colleen Zewe

Saint Mary's '18

I love fall, holidays, PSLs and forcing my dog to take pictures with me for Snapchat.
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Therese Burke

Saint Mary's