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Campus Celebrity: Diane Fox!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Some of you may know her as the woman who sends out the “Academic Success” tips and workshops. Others will know her as their adviser, professor, or “go – to” lady when you aren’t doing so hot in a class and need a few tips in how to succeed. Whether you just come for help or come to see her on a regular basis, you know just how helpful she is. Her name is Diane Fox, or Fox as many of her students call her. She is not only helpful and gives great advice about what classes to take and how to do your best in them, on tests and finals, but she is also an amazing person to talk to. I personally think Fox is one of the hardest workers on campus, and even more a great friend to have. I had the amazing opportunity to meet with her and talk about her experience at Saint Mary’s and why she loves her job so much.

After teaching at St. Joe high school Ms. Fox was the Director of Academic Advising at Holy Cross College. Including her five years at Saint Mary’s Ms. Fox has been a teacher for 34 years.

What is a piece of advice you can give the students at Saint Mary’s that will help them succeed at Saint Mary’s and in their future endeavors?

Have as few regrets as possible whether it is socially, or in school. There is nothing worse than feeling guilty.

If you weren’t at SMC and had the opportunity of a lifetime and to work at your dream job, what would it be and why?

An advertising agency, because you are selling ideas. (If you know Ms. Fox she has a lot of great ideas that would make her a millionaire).

What do you appreciate most about Saint Mary’s?

Students are one of her favorite things about Saint Mary’s but what she appreciates most is how much the professors truly care about students. It makes her job easier. If the professors are willing to help the students succeed it helps her assist the student who is seeking help from her. She feels that she has the best job on campus because helping people is a gift. And if she can help someone it makes her happy, which is a gift to her.

What qualities do Saint Mary’s and your job bring out in you?

It brings out her caring side. She is free to express how important her faith is, and she appreciates that. By being able to help people she is more caring and it shows when she is helping you with your problems. Ms. Fox is one of those people that you will not ever forget because of how much she cares for you and would do anything and everything to try and help you. She is very fortunate and loves working with the students.

What is your dream for the future of the student success program?

A separate building with multiple study rooms, desks, more space for the writing center, and a place for students to have bigger study groups, or individual rooms with white boards, etc.

Ms. Fox is someone that you want in your corner. She is helpful, caring, thoughtful, and gives the best advice. I consider her a second mom or the fun aunt that you run to when your parents are driving you crazy. I go to her office several times a week for advice, just to say hi, or to take a mint before a big test. She has instilled some of the greatest study skills that have helped me succeed since I started college. This semester I will be abroad and will have to go an entire semester without my adviser. She will only be a text or an email away, but I will miss her very much. If you have not taken advantage of this amazing woman, I would take a few minutes out of your day just to meet her. Because she is going to be someone I stay in contact with for the rest of my life! 

Photos provided by the author