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The Belle from Belleville

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

It sounds like a make-believe town that has a direct connection to Saint Mary’s, but Belleville, Illinois is a legitimate city!  It’s just outside of Saint Louis, Missouri, and Danielle Thelen, a senior Communication Studies major, hails from there.  She worked at the City Museum in Saint Louis during the summer, which is basically a big playground and every adventurous kid’s dream.  She also loves listening to a wide variety of music and you can listen to her radio show on Monday nights through WVFI, the ND internet radio station (inserting shameless plug here).  She loves all things Netflix and Hulu and is always down for a fun time!

Since you’re the only Belle that I know from Belleville, IL, what drew you to Saint Mary’s?

DT:  Well, funny story…  My ex-boyfriend was looking into applying to ND so I began looking into Saint Mary’s.  As soon as I stepped on campus for a visit, I automatically knew that this was the perfect place for me.  This was the only school that I applied to!

Working at the City Museum this summer, what was your favorite about your job?

DT:  I got to down the slides instead of the stairs, which are a lot more fun to use by a long shot!  I also got to meet a lot of cool people that definitely made my summer memorable.


What are you looking forward to the most during your senior year?

DT:  I’m excited to finish my senior comp this semester (still looking for participants, hint hint), going to my favorite sporting events like ND basketball and hockey, and having a (hopefully) relaxing second semester.  I’m also excited to finally be done with school.  I can’t believe that I made it to 16th grade!

Where would you like to work after you graduate from Saint Mary’s?

DT:  I would eventually like to end up in either Nashville, TN, Austin, TX, or stay in the Saint Louis area.  I’m not quite sure what I want to do yet, but I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds for me.  Who knows, maybe I could be a real Southern Belle? ;)

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

DT:  I’m an only child and I was born in Hawaii! I know, exotic, right?

Anything else we should know about you?

DT:  If you had to explain me in 4 words, which ones would you pick?

OB:  Outgoing, sarcastic, hard-working, lovable :) (I have to say that, you’re my roommate)

Thanks Danielle, stay cute :)

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I'm a senior Saint Mary's College from Hammond, IN that's an avid sports fan and a self-certified Netflix enthusiast ;) I'm majoring in Biology with a double minor in Philosophy and Gender & Women's Studies. I love meeting new people and making others laugh, which I hope to do so when I write for Her Campus SMC :)
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Therese Burke

Saint Mary's