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50 Things Junior Belles Don’t Say

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Because junior year is just SO boring…

1) I am NOT Instagramming my class ring.

2) Fever is so classy, I love it. 

3) I really miss riding the trolley.

4) I’m annoyed my guy friends moved off campus this year and expect us to come over all the time.

5) None of my senior Saint Mary’s friends live at University Edge.

6) I’ve had the same ID since freshman year.

7) I always eat like a lady in the dining hall.

8) I really miss dorm parties.

9) My major classes aren’t difficult at all.

10) There are so many paid summer internship opportunities I just don’t know which one to choose!

11) I wasn’t denied at the Notre Dame career fair because I go to Saint Mary’s.

12) I never remind people that I went abroad last year.

13) Getting a cab back to Saint Mary’s is never a struggle.

14) Thank God my friends didn’t post embarrassing pictures of me around LeMans on my 21st.

15) I did NOT go to O’Rourkes on my 21st.

16) I love going to the Backer with all my senior friends, like, I NEVER stay in on Fridays anymore.

17) I hate that everyone mingled after sophomore year.

18) I don’t live on the 4th floor of LeMans.

19) My summer program in Europe was the worst.

20) I really wish I had more Sophia classes left to take.

21) Too bad my roomie and I aren’t best friends…

22) I have not signed my lease for senior living.

23) I totally get Notre Dame boys and their bromances.  

24) I’ve never caught myself speaking like my guy friends.

25) I’m so over touchdown push-ups.

26) I love when people remind me that graduation is next year.

27) I don’t live in a castle.

28) Junior moms weekend was so boring.

29) I own nothing with a French cross embroidery.

30) LeMans doesn’t look like something out of a Harry Potter movie at all. 

31) I never pull all-nighters in Trumper.

32) My clinical rotations rock.

33) My accounting major friends never complain about B-Stats.

34) I love that my friends and I all have the exact same schedules.

35) Out of state Belles never spend Easter in Chicago.

36) Communications majors never use big words in their writing.

37) I dress to impress every day just like I did freshman year.

38) I never miss living in McCandless.

39) I still know nothing about my friends.

40) Wine nights are so unnecessary.

41) I arrive on time to every Friday morning class.

42) Thank goodness no one ever blasts Taylor Swift down the hall.

43) Thank God I haven’t developed a serious coffee addiction in the past three years.

44) I get all my homework done before Thursday nights. Always.

45) Advanced registration for my major classes doesn’t stress me out at all.

46) I’ve never taken my laptop to ResNet.

47) I have no pictures in my room of my friends and I abroad.

48) I’m so glad my skin has finally gotten used to the water here.

49) I’m exactly the same person I was freshman year.

50) I NEVER say #GoBelles.



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Hannah Drinkall

Saint Mary's

Hannah graduated Saint Mary's College (May 2016) with a major in Communication Studies & a minor in Public Relations & Advertising. She was the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Saint Mary's, which she co-founded in December 2013. She's from Florida, and she is now working in New York City with New York Times best selling author, Adriana Trigiani. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, @hannahdrinkall!