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5 Reasons You Should Study Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

A year ago, I was just starting my semester abroad in Rome. I honestly think about it almost everyday and remember all of the people I met and all of the great food I ate.  When your two food groups are basically pasta and gelato (shout out to Frigidarium) you know you’re in the right place. It is an experience I know I will value for the rest of my life and here’s why:

1. I met so many different people.

When I went abroad I was only friends with one person that was going.  I not only made friends from Saint Mary’s but from people all around the country and the world. I met people in my classes and sitting in hostels having a drink in the common area.  It’s nice to know that if you ever wanted to go visit them, they will gladly let you sleep on their couch.  Also with social media it’s so easy to stay in touch with the people you’ve met (thanks snapchat!).


2. It’s really cheap to travel once you get there.

Yes the flight to Rome was expensive, shout out to mom and dad for paying for my flight, but with a good budget, it’s so easy to travel where you want.  Flights to other countries are really cheap and if you stay in a hostel or airbnb you can also save some coin that way.  There are also student travel services that take care of everything for you so the only thing you have to think about is where to eat.  One way I saved money to travel was making dinner in my apartment during the week.  Seeing a new place every weekend was so great and why not do it while you’re over there!


3. I learned how to live on my own.

Sometimes I think that college is kinda like a really long summer camp.  Yes, we have responsibilities with class and work, but going to a place where I didn’t really know anyone opened my eyes to what it is like to be an adult. I had to budget, cook, clean, and live in a strange place on my own. I was still at school, so it wasn’t too hard, but a shock nonetheless. It’s always comforting to know that after graduation, I can be self sufficient wherever I end up.  


4. You get to experience a new culture

Rome is full of life and AMAZING food.  The things I miss the most about Rome is just the vibe of the city-and of course the super cheap coffee.  When you vacation in a place, you do get a taste of the culture, but it’s not the same if you actually live in that place. I got to see and experience so much more than I would have if I had just visited. I learned so much about culture from the barista at my favorite cafe than I could have in a classroom. Get outside and experience the place you get the opportunity to be in!


5. You have the best time of your life!

At this point, my life peaked during study abroad. You had class, but you still got to have fun most of the time. Grabbing a bottle of wine and sitting somewhere or even sitting in an airport with friends are some of my best memories from my time in Rome.  If you have the opportunity to study abroad please do it. Who knows when you’ll get the chance to travel because life is always so busy so you might as well take advantage of the time now. You won’t regret it!


Caroline Blue

Saint Mary's

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Allie Royce

Saint Mary's '18

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