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37 Times You Need Your Belles Beside You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

At an all-girl’s school, life can get pretty interesting. The perks are great – the dining hall is a judgment-free zone, speaking up in class is no problem at all, and high-tailing it to your 8 am in clothes from the night before is a common occurrence. But it is Saint Mary’s College that makes our all-girl’s school so special. Whether you’re sitting in silence in Holy Spirit Chapel in LeMans, tearing up as you roll down The Avenue after Christmas break, or staring in awe at your Princess castle of a dorm, the effect Saint Mary’s has on us is lasting and something difficult to explain; and it’s the Belles who go here that make it so special. 

In fact, you need your Belles beside you in thousands of life situations. 

Like when…

1) You want to eat dinner and not talk.

2) When you want to go to brunch in your makeup from the night before, and spend the rest of the day watching Friends from your futon/floor without being judged.

3) When you’re texting a guy you’re crushing on and need approval ten times over before you can send it. And need your Belle to hide your phone and tell you “no way under no circumstances” when you’re about to send said unapproved text.

4) When you hear that it’s “wing” day in the dining hall. We Belles know all too well that the nuggets Sodexo constitutes as “wings” are not actually wings, but it’s still the best DH day anyone could ask for. And with a Belle by your side…you get to share all the flavors.

5) When you’re watching a movie they’ll love and you just can’t watch it alone because their laughs are everything.

6) When the Cush closes. Because you both need to persuade each other to head down to Trumper before calling it quits.

7) When you need heart-to-hearts. Because a couple hours at Fever can send you from 100 to 0 real quick and there is no better shoulder to cry on. 

8) When your Spirit Jersey is dirty. Because it can be guaranteed she’s got one you can borrow.

9) When you don’t want to brave Notre Dame alone. They’re your sidekicks in every situation to keep you looking cool; ideal running buddies (“oh there’s a person…start running), fan in the stands, date to the ND dining hall (thanks to those Co-ex perks Belles get for being involved with RecSports), and perfect wing women.

10) When you need (NEED) coffee but your wallet is in LeMans and you’re in Madeleva but the car is parked in Spes soooo the only logical way to handle the situation is for your best Belle to say, “I got you.” Laziness? Maybe… but the favor is always returned in the form of a Cyber hummus or late night SmartPop.

11) When you’re having a down-in-the-dumps day and you don’t want to be alone but don’t want to talk about it. Belles know that a cuddle and a walk to the Grotto goes a long way.

12) When you need to send the text, “come to the cages.” Belles know it means one of two things: you’re ready to rock out in “the cage” or that is the only landmark at Fever and you’re totally lost.

13) When you’re mad and just need someone to sit there and watch you pout…but you need her to try and make you laugh anyways. 

14) When you’re interning in New York City and you COULD NEVER attend the ND Booze cruise around Manhattan without a best Belle by your side, dressed to the nines, of course.  You two weren’t about to let the fact that you were the only Belles keep you from having the night of your life. 

15) When your guy friends want to play Thunderstruck. You need a stealthy escapee buddy.

16) When you need backup. There is no one better to send an email sticking up for you than your Belles.

17) When you feel the urge to jet-set across the pond. Because the most persuasive tactic in convincing your parents to let you go is telling them that your Belles are studying abroad and you have a place to stay for free sooo it would just be stupid for you to NOT go for spring break AND you just simply CAN’T go alone… #GrabABelle

18) When you both received that one Res Life email at the same time after that one night that one time two days before sophomore year even started. Yeah. You definitely needed her sitting there with you on the futon. And she was.

19) When you’re about to buy a whole pizza at Vesuvio’s at 2 am. You need her there so you can remind each other that a slice will do. And you’re like…

when the Vesuvio’s lady says that a whole pizza is $20. #NotAThing

20) When you have nothing to wear. Belles have the best style and generous hearts…sharing is caring because she’ll be with you all night anyways.

21) When you just need to cruise around and listen to your new favorite song on repeat.

22) When you’re an RA and you need to count on someone to be at your section events. I mean…what Belle doesn’t want to craft some cute gameday bows? To go along with our adorable Smick Belle signs… #Sorority…?

23) When you’re academically stressed beyond belief. Belles know exactly what to do and magically pull some Moscato out of their Longchamps. 

24) When you’re going to the career fair at Notre Dame…because rocking a pencil skirt is no fun by yourself. And shopping for one isn’t easy, either.

25) When you receive your class ring. There is nothing more exclusively beautiful and you’ll need someone to “ooo” and “aww” at it with you and take your perfect Instagram pic. 

26) When you don’t want to be judged for wearing Lulu yogas every day of the week. #GoBelles

27) When you need someone to not judge your dance moves to “Shake It Off” at THE EDGEEEE.

28) When you need a buddy to go to Club Hes. Because we all know that we only go to socialize with everyone else who also appears to be “studying.”

29) When you get stuck in the wheelchair assistive elevator in the LeMans tunnel. Because at least with her, the experience would have been deemed worth it.

30) When you’re searching for a place to crash. You know her room is a safe space. Whether she’s there or not.

31) When you’re being wayyyy too civil with your ex man when you run into him at CJs. She has NO problem putting that boy in his place.

32) When you need a buddy to go with you to check out all the cool, new French cross Under Armour gear.

33) When you’re studying abroad for the summer in Greece and you get in trouble for taking a selfie with a guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Only Belles would flirt with the Athens Police Department and take goofy pics. There’s no way you could have done that alone.

34) When you need someone to be taking the perfect Touchdown pushups picture. Because those Instagrams are everything. (Even if your hair is in your face…) And we don’t even go here.

35) When your crush is like…

And you’re spinning around while your best Belle is doing her duty of trying to bring you back down to reality…

36) When you can’t decide whether to throw on your Vineyard Vines shep shirt or Patagonia quarter zip. You both wear one and solve the issue. (going back to #18)

37) Literally whenever. That’s when you need your Belles beside you. 


Once A Belle, Always A Belle.


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Photos 17, 22, and 34 provided by the author

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Hannah Drinkall

Saint Mary's

Hannah graduated Saint Mary's College (May 2016) with a major in Communication Studies & a minor in Public Relations & Advertising. She was the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Saint Mary's, which she co-founded in December 2013. She's from Florida, and she is now working in New York City with New York Times best selling author, Adriana Trigiani. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, @hannahdrinkall!