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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

It’s inevitable. “The Ache.” Or, at least, that’s what I have come to call it. It always finds a way to come around and grab hold of your heart, squeezing it until you feel a dull ache resonating from the left side of your chest. It doesn’t matter if you’re dancing through the streets of Rome eating gelato or driving through the most breath-taking countryside in Ireland, it hits you at one point or another—a flash of homesickness that blinds you from all the beauty in front of you. It typically doesn’t last long, swept away from the exotic sights and experiences that come with being in a foreign country. Watching the sunset from a rooftop in Spain tends to have the effect of wiping one’s mind clean of any anxieties. But there’s no fighting it when it does come. And while I’m sure my fellow study abroad smicks are all missing their own families and homes, there is one thing that unites us: being homesick for SMC.

1.     What I’d give for some munch money right now.

2.     You mean you don’t have office hours?

3.     I’ll never complain about my walk to/from HoCro again.

4.     Where are all these boys coming from?

5.     So…I have to wear makeup to class?

6.     Blinky? Where you at?

7.     Need. Nugget Day.

8.     Gelato’s great and all, but I could really use a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Half-Baked.

9.     *Gets excited about a football game only to realize, yet again, that they’re talking about soccer.

10.  Just point me in the direction of the nearest Chipotle.

11.  I liked it better when laundry money was built into my tuition.

12.  Wait…brunch isn’t a thing here?

13.  *Questions if it’s socially acceptable to shout “Belle Yeah” in response to everything*