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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAIC chapter.

    Is the best part of going on a date to gossip later on? As I am more and more aware that my only conversation with friends has sadly narrowed to two categories only: work and gossip. Despite the fact that writing about relationship and sex is making me feel more and more like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex And the City and is making me feel like I’m living my teenage dream, I have also noticed I’m becoming like the characters from that TV show, in a bad way.

    Despite my personal dislike of the last season’s plot, I hold no hate towards the TV show nor the values it was holding- if anything Sex And the City is still my girl’s night go-to. But, I do believe that life is not sugar-coated TV shows or movies, after all there is no way that I would be able to afford Carrie’s beautiful apartment. So whenever things start to become like a TV show, that’s when I think I need to do some self reflecting. 

    As I sit down and calculate howmuch I am gossiping on a daily basis, I suddenly realize my daily conversations are dependent on attractive dates to be continued. For someone who strongly promotes the idea of life as more than just dating and relationships it seemed to be a bit hypocritical to admit that my life conversations had revolved around dating and relationships.

    Maybe it is because of the fun and thrill we are gaining from such human interactions. It seemed to me that when going on a date, the thing I look forward the most is to share all the gossipy details to my friends afterwards. It is almost like that free dessert you know you are going to get on a birthday dinner. But I wonder what is more valued at the end of the days, the meal I am paying for or the free dessert? 

    While my option is taken to account, I would definitely say it’s the dessert I enjoy more just because my dates never last, but the friends I gossip to are always there.However I do feel the alert that the gossip sometimes takes over and absorbs my friendships. Not to mention that talking about dating so much had made me overlook what is really important when trying to build up a romantic relationship during a date. The thing about not only dates but also life, is that there is so many things we tend to overlook when we are focusing too much on one thing. No matter how important your current focus is (a classical rom-com relationship, an eight-page research paper, or your increased rent next month), I always think it’s a good idea to take a step back and breath. 

    Just like I said, it is just my personal option, and as humans we all have the different values. My belief is that while it is important to take others’ advices into account, it is still important to reflect and know your own value. So, focusing on only dating and gossip can be completely wrong or not at all- it really just depends on how you value and enjoy it.

SAIC 2021, Korean/Chinese, Painting student