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What Guys Really Think Of Your Negative Attitude

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.


Guys Speak Out: The Negative Nancy

OK ladies, it’s time to get our confidence levels up. I’m not asking you to be 100% confident 24/7, but guys are getting sick of us constantly fishing for compliments and putting ourselves down.  It’s not just us who have to deal with our self-confidence issues. The boys we pester with questions want us to realize our own beauty and LEAVE THEM ALONE! Putting a guy on the spot in an uncomfortable situation by asking the most dangerous question of all, “Does this dress make me look fat?” is not the way to his heart. How many times have we been told that confidence is sexy??? Let’s finally try and embrace that and leave the negativity out.


The Hard Truth

I’m sorry ladies, I know this is hard to hear because I am also guilty of asking these questions. When I send a Snapchat to my boyfriend and he says I look pretty I immediately put myself down. I’ll respond with, “Are you serious?!” or “I look horrible” or “No way I look like shit!” Come on, we’ve all done this. But how hard is it to just take the compliment? We need to get better at that so that guys won’t wet themselves when we ask them a question. And for that matter, stop asking questions when you already have a script in mind. DO NOT ask him if you look fat or ugly because he is obviously going to say no! Comparing yourself to others is another huge don’t. If a guy is talking to you he is interested in you. Everyone knows that the “perfect” pictures of celebrities and models in magazines are airbrushed and touched up. If I could, I would be Jennifer Lawrence in a heartbeat but that will never happen so I just have to get over it.


What Guys Think…

Here’s what really goes on in a guy’s head when we force him into this situation. According to CJ Bazile of Sacred Heart, guys just want you to stop talking. When he hears a girl putting herself down or comparing herself to others all he is thinking is, “Shut up”. That’s it. Guys are done with feeling sympathetic for us. If we annoy them enough, they’ll even agree with our negative whining to get us to just be quiet. “If I am tolerating being in a situation where you’re trying clothes on and asking me if it looks good,” says Kevin Rivera, “you’ve already won me over. So don’t ask me.” It’s time we put on our big girl panties and accept that we are who we are. Let’s leave the boys alone and stop being so hard on ourselves. Just remember that when asked if a girl looks fat or ugly, Geno Gonnello almost always thinks, “No you don’t, you look absolutely fine.” We are beautiful and we do not need to put ourselves down, and especially not in front of any men.



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McKenna Wiegand

Sacred Heart

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Sacred Heart '24

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