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Thoughts You Have During a Semester Long Group Project, Told by Michael Scott

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

If there is anyone out there who likes group projects, I beg you to share your secret with the rest of us who experience an immediate sense of dread as soon as the professor announces one. We’ve all been there: one or two dedicated, unlucky people end up doing the entire project alone. To all you group project superheroes, you probably are already familiar with this definitive timeline of thoughts on your project throughout the semester. Here’s Michael Scott to help you laugh through your pain. You’re almost to Christmas time. You can do this.


When you get see a group project on the syllabus:

Oh god. Oh no. *sweats*​



When the professor says they’re making the groups “so it’s fair.” :




Professor: “And it counts for 30% of your grade”:

*sweats harder*


When you actually manage to get each others numbers and form a group chat:

Okay, maybe this won’t be so bad.



When you don’t get an answer in the group chat for 3 days:

Did they fall off the face of the earth? Are they just okay with failing? Do they have the time to do this whole thing during finals week?



Accepting that you are going to have to carry this group on your back:

If you want something done right do it yourself??? Maybe?? Hahahaahahah



But then that one other person steps up:

I love you. Please don’t leave me.


Actually getting the group to meet up, and most of them act like this:



When you have 45 other things on your to-do list by late November:

What do you mean I can’t drink 11 cups of coffee in a day?



When you have to finish most of the project in one night:



When the time comes to finally present:

Well. Here we go.



When it’s that person who skipped every meeting’s turn to present:

Please be good at BS. Please be good at BS. Please be good at BS.



That moment you somehow pull off getting an A:

Julia Pizzuto

Sacred Heart '21

I am a senior Communication Studies major at Sacred Heart University, with minors in business and journalism. At my university in addition to writing for Her Campus, I am an RSA, member of the club volleyball team and global ambassador for the study abroad office. I am from Riverhead, New York and in my free time, I like to go to the beach, travel, and listen to music from 10 years ago.
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Nina Lauria

Sacred Heart

Nina is a Biology major with a Chemistry minor on the Physician's Assistant track. She has always loved medicine just as much as fashion and blogging. Nina hopes to one day concentrate in Pediatric Oncology and help find a cure for cancer!