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Summer 2021 Recap: Valuable Lessons My Neighbors On My Beach Block Taught Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

The Jersey Shore, a place where everyone’s biggest concern is whether the west wind flies are going to be at the beach that day, or if  you call your order a “taylor ham egg and cheese” or “pork roll egg and cheese”. This past summer, I spent a lot of my time soaking in the sun, eating my taylor ham egg and cheese sandwiches (secrets out, I do call it taylor ham and not pork roll), and even more time talking to all my neighbors on my block at the shore. Ironically, most of my neighbors are men over the age of 60, so even though we may not have a lot of common experiences, I find there is always something to talk and laugh about with them. In fact, it goes beyond talking and laughing, it often leads to a life lesson worth learning and sharing with others. With that being said, here are some life lessons my neighbors have taught me through our past few summers spent together at the Jersey Shore! 

Before I get into the lessons I learned, it is important for me to inform you that (almost) everyone on my block has their own nickname. Although I am not sure who started this, it certainly led to some out of the ordinary nicknames, which make for great laughs. 

  1. “German John” 

John, my direct neighbor, nickname happens to be “German John”. He got this nickname mainly because his parents were foreign immigrants from Germany. John has always had a very special place in my heart. I believe it’s because ever since the first time I met John, he has always reminded me of my late grandfather. Although my late grandfather and John have never met, I’m almost positive the two of them would be the best of friends. Something similar about my late grandfather and John is that they both remind me of one big teddy bear, and that they both are always found to be sitting in the shade away from the sun. However, if there’s one thing that stands out to me more about these two it’s their ability to give advice, and to be “all ears” when you need someone to talk to. John, and my late grandfather, have taught me the significance of being a listener when a friend needs someone to talk to. As well as they taught me the importance of when to step in, and provide someone with advice or help when they need it most. 

  1. “Donnie Down Under”

Donnie’s nickname happens to be “Donnie down under”, and although I’m hesitant to share why, I feel it is only necessary to explain the true meaning of his nickname. Donnie is a funeral home manager and owner, super dark, I’m aware. However, Donnie is proud of his job, and puts a lot of countless hours into it. What I learned from Donnie and his profession is to never take a day for granted, especially if it’s a day spent at the shore. Life can be complicated, overwhelming, and exhausting at times, but that doesn’t mean life is not worth living. 

  1. Rodger 

One of my neighbors, Rodger (I call him “Rodge” for short, but never to his face), is an individual who is always looking to strike up a conversation. Rodger needs no introduction, which is why he doesn’t have a nickname, and to be honest he’s not the kind of guy who wouldn’t go by his formal name. There have been many times I’ve seen Rodger sitting outside on his dock, and what seemed to feel like a 15 minute conversation, often was an hour long one. What I’ve learned from Roger is to say what you feel, and to be confident and rooted within your beliefs. Roger makes sure to shout his beliefs, so that the entire block can basically hear him. But that’s what is so admirable about Rodger, he has endless self-understatement and confidence, and taught me that I should too.

  1. “Joey Drains” and “Steve Esq’s”

Before I get into this wonderful duo, it would be remiss of me if I did not tell you their nicknames! Joey’s nickname is “Joey Drains”, since he owns his very own plumbing and drainage company. And Steves is “Steve Esq”, as in “esquire”, since Steve owns his own law firm. Although Joey and Steve live in two different houses and have two different families, I always seem to find those two to be attached at the hip. The two of them remind me of an uncle figure, who you go to when you’re in a sticky situation, and don’t want Mom or Dad to find out. They tend to be the two whose door is always open and welcome for anyone to stop over, especially on a Saturday night. The two of them together have taught me what a true friendship bond looks like, and the importance of looking out for one another. 

That wraps up all the wonderful, unique individuals who make up my beach block. I can truly say I cherish every one of these middle aged men and all the lessons, encounters, and laughs they have given me. Although we have ways to go until we enjoy summer 2022, I look forward to more priceless memories with “Downie Down Under”, “Rodger”, “German John”, “Joey Drains”, “Steve Esq”, and their families!

Isabella Costanza

Sacred Heart '24

I am Isabella Costanza and I am a student at Sacred Heart University (Class of 2024). I am from Livingston, New Jersey! Some of my favorite things are exercising, traveling, baking, going to the beach, grabbing coffee, & shopping! I am also a member of Chi Omega, as well as Student Ambassador here at Sacred Heart!