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Roommate Pet Peeves That We Can’t Stand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

We all love our roommates, but after a while some of the things they do can get under our skin. Coming to college and having to live with a stranger is part of the whole experience. As the year passes we learn to love our roommate, but find some of the little things they do to be irritating. Five anonymous people are here to vent about their roommates.

  1. “I hate when my roommate makes me leave the room constantly, so her and her boyfriend can have sex. If it was just a few times I wouldn’t mind, but after a while it gets annoying!” This can get frustrating for a lot of people! Who wants to go wandering around all the time, while your roommate does their thing?
  2. “I love my roommate and all, but a pet peeve would be when she sees that the garbage is overflowing, but won’t take it out.” Ew, I don’t think anyone would want garbage all over the floor!
  3. “When my roommate closes the f*ckin window when its really hot and the room smells.” Temperature differences can be irritating, who wants to sweat when they are trying to sleep?
  4.  “When my roommate wakes up early, eats yogurt with his mouth open and makes irritating noises, while I’m trying to sleep.” Yuck!
  5. “I hate when my roommate starts snoring really loud in the middle of the night and I wake up from it and I’m not able to fall back asleep” Snoring is really annoying, but it’s hard to control, so many people do it.

It’s fine to have a pet peeve about your roommate; chances are that you are going to have more then one. Don’t be afraid to talk about it with them, but also remember no one is perfect and they most likely have a pet peeve about you too!

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Taylor Lane is a senior in the Sacred Heart University school of education. She majors in English and is a section editor for the school newspaper, Spectrum. She is a captain on the Division I Softball team. Taylor aspires to be a special education teacher and spends her free time volunteering in programs for people with special needs.