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The Pros and Cons of A Commuter Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

When I decided to go to a school less than ten minutes away from my house, my friends all thought I was crazy. The big question from everybody was always, “are you going to live on campus?” Of course! Being a senior in high school I was completely set on living on campus to meet new people. Then some things changed.

Pro: Why would I want to spend all that extra money to live somewhere 3 miles away from where I get to live for free? That’s right, free.

Con: If you don’t remember something when leaving the house, you’re left without it all day. No matter how far you live, you don’t want to drive back and forth all day.

Pro: You always get to have a home-cooked meal, and chances are all your friends want to come over for dinner.

Con: Finding parking on campus past noon? Forget about it.

Pro: You have more of a reason to get involved.

Con: FOMO is such a real thing. Dorm parties, meeting other people in the halls. Ugh.

Pro: Sleeping in your own room is a blessing you do not take for granted.

Con: You have to wake up hours before your class starts. So your morning commute looks something like this.

Pro: I get to play with my friends’ dogs whenever I want.

Con: People don’t know who you are or if you even go to the school until you get involved on campus.


Weighing the options, the dogs alone are worth it. Plus, I always have a bed to sleep in at all my sorority sisters’ rooms for those nights I decide to be a residential student. Win-win.


Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

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