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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

To high school seniors, college freshmen, or anyone looking for college advice, I have some words of wisdom I’d love to share with you. 

Looking back on freshman move in day, I know that I am not the same person. I have changed in ways I could never imagine, and I learned a lot about myself along the way. I met some amazing friends, lost connections with others, developed relationships with mentors, and eventually became a mentor myself. I tried new things; some that I was always interested in, some that intimidated me, some I never imagined myself doing. I got involved; I stuck with organizations I loved, and left others after a short period of time, proud of myself for giving it a try. I changed my major a total of four times freshman year until I found a field that felt right for me. I realized that it was never too late to try something new. In fact, senior year, I joined a sorority, which is something I never pictured myself doing. But most of all, I learned that college is a time to find yourself, make mistakes, try your hardest, and understand that whether you succeed or fail, there is a new learning experience each day.

As a current senior, I know that the clock is ticking, and my undergraduate career is quickly arriving at the grand finale. Coming into college as a timid freshman, I made one promise to myself; I will not leave college wishing I had done more or stepped out of my comfort zone. Looking back, I can confidently say that I stuck to my promise. 

If I could give advice to my freshman year self, I would say that I should not be so hard on myself. I was one to panic or worry that I wasn’t pursuing the right career, that I was the annoying roommate, that I wasn’t making many friends, or that other people were having a better college experience than me. Now, I know that everything happens in time, and by putting yourself out there and getting involved, you will find your place and genuine friends that will support you along the way. With that, it is also important to remember that it is unfair to compare your college experience to others. Remember, this is your experience and your story; you have the power to shape it in any way that you wish, and you have four years to make it happen. 

So, step out of your comfort zone, work hard, explore, reach out; to professors, mentors, and new friends, be bold, and forgive yourself, but most of all, remember to have fun. While college is stressful and overwhelming at times, it is important to remember to enjoy, and take in each moment! Four years may seem like a long time, but if you don’t appreciate the special small moments in each day, it will go by before you know it. College will be some of the best years of your life if you view every day as an opportunity to grow into the person you want to be. Positivity and confidence is key; you got this!


A College Senior  

Corinne Blanchette

Sacred Heart '21

Hi friends! My name is Corinne and I'm a junior at Sacred Heart University. I love all things pop culture, music, fashion, art, dogs, traveling, and of course, food!!
Sacred Heart student from Mass, sharing my thoughts and interests with others on Her Campus :)