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How to Avoid the Freshman 15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Attention Incoming Freshmen: The summer going into freshman year, most of us are warned about the infamous “Freshman 15”. For those of you who have never heard of this unfortunate trend, the “Freshman 15” is when a college student gains a lot of weight their freshman year. After I was warned about this, I was so determined for it not to happen to me. My biggest fear was to be the girl who comes back for Thanksgiving break and people thinking I gained weight. Although the obvious way of avoiding gaining weight is spending countless hours in the gym and eating salads for every meal, I discovered simple ways to not only avoid gaining the “Freshman 15” but to also stay in great shape.


Here are a few simple ways to avoid the Freshmen 15:

1. Eat Balanced Meals: This may seem simple but we all know in the dining hall it can be very tempting to grab all carbs. I always try to have a vegetable, a protein, and a starch.

2. Take the stairs: An easy way to stay active if you didn’t get a chance to go to the gym. Instead of waiting for the slow elevator in your dorm building, save time and take a nice hike up the stairs.


3. Go to the gym: At least three times a week, for at least 45 minutes to burn those bad weekend decisions off!


4. Invest in a Fitbit: As college students, we walk more than we think, a Fitbit can reward you. By seeing your steps every day and challenging your friends, it’s a great way to be motivated.


5. Avoid eating after going out: Eating past 8 pm is the worst thing you could do! Late night cravings are the hardest thing to not participate in but it will benefit you in the long run. ( Your favorite food, in moderation, can be okay.)


6. Stay Hydrated: Water intake is very important and whenever I felt the urge to snack, I drank water. The recommended amount of water you should drink per day depends on your weight but is roughly half a gallon.



So, there it is ladies, don’t worry the “Freshman 15” is easily avoidable. You can still enjoy your first year of college without gaining weight. Stick to these 6 simple but helpful tips and you will finish your freshman year looking better than ever!


Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

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