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Guys Speak Out: Trust me, he got the text.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Ladies, we all know we get a little anxious when our crush isn’t answering our texts. We sit there wondering “why hasn’t he answered me yet, did I say the wrong thing, did he forget about me, maybe he never got the text?” All these thoughts go rushing through our minds when that one boy doesn’t answer our text. Usually we resort to texting them again, whether it’s five minutes later, a few hours later, or even a day later. I’ve asked guys around campus their thoughts on double-texting and the truth came out.  

This will get his attention…

For you ladies out there that stalk Facebook and Instagram to get the low down on the boy your interested in, this part is for you! So, you’re having a good conversation with him and all of a sudden he just stops answering. You’re pissed. So confused. Annoyed. You sit there thinking, “What do I do now?” Some may resort to liking his pictures on Facebook or Instagram. You think, “This will get his attention, maybe he just forgot to answer my text.” Others may favorite his tweets in hopes that he will return the favorite and just finally text you back. There are a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to double-texting.

  1. While every guy is different, most of them agree, “It gets a little annoying sometimes.” It’s okay to text them again if you really just want to talk. “It shows she cares” says Al Bruno from Sacred Heart, “but it does get annoying sometimes if I’m never answering you.” If you just want someone to talk to, and you’re NOT being annoying, go for it! Text him again and see what happens! There is no harm in just trying to have a conversation. “She can keep texting me all she wants and if I feel like answering, I will,” says Chris Buckman from Sacred Heart.
  2. On the other hand though, sometimes you just gotta face the facts: he’s just not that into you. “It’s just as simple as girls saying no to guys when they want to dance, get the hint and move on. If we’re not answering you it’s only because you haven’t shown us enough “moves” or don’t “catch enough of our interest.” Sometimes we’re not even trying to be mean or ignore you; there are moments when we’re just not in that “texty mood”” says Sean Williamson from Sacred Heart.


Wait it out…

For the ladies out there that double-text immediately after he doesn’t answer you, this parts for you! Usually the boys don’t answer because they are busy, or just really don’t feel like talking. If you text them a little while later with a great conversation starter, chances are they will answer!

Taylor Nyser, from Sacred Heart, says, “I would probably respond, I don’t think it’s that annoying especially if she starts a new conversation.” If you ladies catch them on a good day when they feel like chatting, text them all you want because we all know boys are forgetful and have a hard time multi-tasking so usually they just are too lazy to respond.


“I Don’t Mind…

Chris Buckman from Sacred Heart says, “Double texting doesn’t matter to me, if I feel like talking I will, if not I won’t answer.” My advice, I wouldn’t double-text them immediately after they don’t answer because you don’t want to come off desperate.

If you want to be the girl that they like talking to because you’re easy going then don’t get upset when they don’t answer right away. Life gets busy sometimes, just keep that in mind before you text them again. “Mostly I don’t answer them because I’m busy,” says Manny from Sacred Heart.

“If it’s a girl I like, I don’t mind” says Ted Cordaro from Sacred Heart, “At times it can get annoying though, especially if the person is annoying to begin with.” Girls, if you don’t care at all if they think you’re annoying then go ahead and double-text them, like their pics, and favorite all the tweets you want. If they don’t ever text you back, then move on and find someone who will talk to you without having to blow up his social media. If you care about what they think and you don’t want to be annoying, then just sit back and relax. Odds are he will text you back at some point. Just because he isn’t answering you right away doesn’t mean he won’t ever answer you. If you just have bad timing, don’t stress, he’ll answer you at some point. As long as you don’t come off crazy and desperate, double-texting is fine.

SHU '15 Media Studies/PR
Taylor Lane is a senior in the Sacred Heart University school of education. She majors in English and is a section editor for the school newspaper, Spectrum. She is a captain on the Division I Softball team. Taylor aspires to be a special education teacher and spends her free time volunteering in programs for people with special needs.