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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Phase 1: Motivated May

Another semester of college is complete. You’re thinking: Cheers to ME.

You make killer summer plans.


You are determined to get that summer bod.


While still enjoying you’re favorite summer treats, of course.


You’ve never been happier. You feel like summer is going to last forever.


Downside: You try to get that perfect tan, only to realize it’s still too cold for the beach. The struggle is real, New England.



But then one super hot day surprises you at the end of May! You rush to the beach. Naturally you go from being white as snow to red as a tomato.

Phase 2: Jammin’ June

All of your friends are home, it’s officially above seventy-five degrees every day, and you finally feel like summer has begun.

You spend the first weekend catching up with all your friends.


And you’re thinking every single night from here on out will look like this:


But they actually look mostly like this:

You’re mad at first. But then you’re like:



Phase 3: Jubliation July

It’s time to show your country some loving. You can’t wait to break out all of your red, white, and blue attire.


Hot dogs and hamburgers become your entire diet (along with potato salad, pasta salad, any any other type of calorie-filled salad you can imagine).

You aren’t complaining.

But then you start to realize that all of your friends are on family vacations. Boredom strikes and, obviously, you resort to Netflix. 

Phase 4: Aww Man August

You realize school starts this month.


Then you find yourself in total stress-mode about packing for school and, oh yeah, ordering books because in just a few short weeks you’ll actually have assignments to complete.

Overall, you are in denial that summer is over.

But…at least you’re tan!


Happy summer, collegiettes!

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Alex Grobleski

Sacred Heart

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Giovanna Gatto

Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

The official contributor profile for the Her Campus chapter at Sacred Heart.