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Five Ways To Get HIM To Do Things For YOU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

1.      Do Things For Him!

Who says the girlfriends should be the only ones getting spoiled? There are a few reasons why doing things for him might work to your advantage, girls:


·         He simply wants to be nice because you’re being nice

·         It gives him ideas for what he can do for you

·         Guys like to be the “providers” so if you’re providing more he might feel like he has to step it up!

Watch his favorite movies or listen to his favorite music with him. If you show interest in his interests, there is a batter chance that he will do the same. Hang out with him and his friends, make him breakfast, bring him lunch after class or on his lunch break at work (the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach of course), even sexual favors like a strip tease. Doing what he likes will make him want to do what you like. When he’s sick, bring him a care package– if he’s not an a****** he’ll remember this kind gesture the next time you’re sick.

     Be careful: This won’t work on every guy. Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of if he never reciprocates.

In Friends With Benefits, Dylan buys Jamie a painting after all she’s done for him. Take notes, boys! 



2.      Give BIG Hints


We all know that guys are, for the most part, oblivious. Maybe you do things for him constantly and it doesn’t even cross his mind to return a favor. It’s not always because they don’t care! Very often guys don’t know what will make you happy. So ladies, tell him what you like. And then tell him again. Make it obvious. Tell him what you’re craving on your period–go on and on about it. When you’re watching his favorite movie, tell him what movies YOU really love. Tell him how you think it’s SO great that you guys are close to each other’s friends and family and that it makes you happy when you can all hang out. Really exaggerate and he’ll be more likely to pick up on your hints.




3.      Give Rewards for “Good Behavior”

This might sound weird but it’s how all relationships work. When I surprise my boyfriend with lunch during his break at work and he actually shows how much he appreciates it, it makes me want to do it again. A simple “thank you” isn’t enough. So when he does something nice for you, tell him how sweet he is, brag about him to your friends, his friends, and his parents–it just might be enough to encourage him to do it again. BUT REMEMBER…not all guys will be motivated by just words. Show him just how happy a simple kind act can make you.

Got beer? I bet your guy can’t name a better reward than this.


4.      Make Him Want To Be The Hero


This works best for very specific things, like special occasions. For example, you can tell the guy you’re with that you’ve never had a really special Valentine’s Day. If you tell him that no guy has ever really done anything special for you on Valentine’s Day and he sees how you’ve been disappointed year after year, your guy will see it as an opportunity to come to your rescue and really sweep you off your feet. It will be his chance to stand out against all of your exes. This tip is especially good because, as we know, guys aren’t too big on doing the “little things.” That being said, if a guy is going to do something special for you, he is going to be more likely to do something over-the-top to impress you…so why not take advantage of it while you can?


5.      ASK!


If all else fails, just tell him what you want. No hints, no tricks–just tell him. If you want him to take you out to dinner to a certain place, then just ask him to take you there. If he can’t pick up on your hints, he isn’t necessarily an a******. It could just be that he is really oblivious. If this is the case, then he very well may be more than willing to do what it takes to make you happy– you just need to ask him for what you want. As girls, we struggle with this one because we are stuck on the idea that “he’s just supposed to know.” Well, more often than not they really don’t know. They usually have no clue.

Clear enough?


These are all helpful suggestions, but like most everything they are not foolproof. Keep in mind that guys aren’t usually good at the “little things,” and instead of focusing on what he doesn’t do for you, try to focus on what he does do. Often times a guy will do something really special and then think he’s set for 6 months. If you’re not comfortable with that, than you have to tell him. Relationships are often a constant battle between girls constantly wanting to be reminded that a guy cares and guys rarely wanting to express it. Also remember that if your significant other did sweet things for you all the time, then his actions wouldn’t be as special as they are when he does them occasionally. Also, not every guy is the same–don’t stereotype all guys into one group that all behaves the same way.

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Brittany Ignace

Sacred Heart

I really like soccer and running, English major, soccer coach
Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart '24

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