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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

The act of destressing is part of life’s many joys. As students in college, deadlines and workload is all we have time for now especially when nearing the end of a semester. With fall breaks approaching, it is a good time to balance studying for midterms, but also taking care of oneself and mind. The feeling of being overwhelmed should never be normalized in our lives. It is good to keep busy, we just have to keep in mind that in order to stay productive, we must also consider time for peace and putting ourselves first. By taking time aside to enjoy some quiet time alone we lessen the situation of being burnt out. I think taking time to reconnect with the important relationships we have in life also takes a positive toll on us. It is something we should prioritize especially if we are sitting around with books all day and have had only interaction with our computer screens and homework. 4 ways that can start off anyone with the road to destressing:

  1. Finding the right place: This could mean either being alone or with friends and designating an area that you know will help you decompress after a long week. It could be your room, the lying room, the library, or a simple coffee shop in your college town. The right place could also be in your hometown which takes us to the next point.
  2. Visiting home: I think for many college students going home can be a great distress if you are looking to get away from the school environment. If you truly need to take time away what is better than going home to family and home friends. You get to spend time in places where you grew up and find inner peace that can keep your mind away from the stress of any workload you might have. 
  3. Stay organized and hold on to beneficial habits: When you know you are halfway through the semester, you should already be on top of your studying habits and breaks as well. From the moment you begin a class, staying on top of dates so you do not fall behind will benefit you more than you think. You can start fresh every school year and if that means forming healthier habits then keep track of that. Healthy habits that can relate to school could be considered as maintaining a steady diet during the week, creating lists for to do’s everyday of the week, and having days for yourself to enjoy and put the books down even if it is for a couple hours. Staying on top of your work and having these habits in your life will only make the process of destressing easier. 
  4. Asking for professional help: Though an uncommon solution, it is one that should be used more often. If you feel that you are getting to a point where you have tried everything, asking for help is not an act of failure. I think doing the best thing for oneself means going to someone professional who can expand their help to you. They are experienced and have the ability to solve problems that you may be having during the season of exams. It is a common situation for many college students. By asking for help you are setting yourself up for absolute success.
Daisy Tuquinagui

Sacred Heart '23

- My name is Daisy. I am a senior at Sacred Heart University majoring in Criminal Justice with minors in Journalism, Human Rights & Social Justice. I have been apart of this chapter since my first year and look forward to publishing many articles.