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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

My denman brush. 

God bless my denman brush. 

Even though I throw it across the bathroom almost every morning and watch myself wave it around in frustration through my pouring tears, I still love my denman brush. Anyways if you don’t know what a denman brush is, this probably isn’t the article for you; but I’ll quickly inform you anyways. A denman brush is heavenly. Okay, but besides that, it actually is like a regular brush in the sense that it’s used to detangle hair, but mostly to define curls. It can be one of the most pivotal parts of a curly hair routine. It can make your curls go from dull straws to defined coils. 

To my 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B, 4C sisters, my relationship with my denman brush is strange. 

Growing up, I never really used it until I fell into the giant blackhole of watching curly hair videos on YouTube. My hairstylist, along with various curly hair influencers, use their denman brush to detangle their hair. 

I was shook. 

I thought curly haired girls needed to use a wide tooth comb? 

As you can imagine, I spent the next couple of hours trying to disprove this foreign method, hence the blackhole of YouTube. After all that time I came to the most annoying, recurring realization: 

Curly hair is unique. 

What detangles for one, might rip the hair out of another — hence, the most FRUSTRATING part of curly hair. If I could simply copy @BiancaRenee’s curly hair method, trust me when I say my life would be so much simpler! But I cannot, so I will have to deal with wasting 100s of dollars on products that I will probably use once, and by once I mean using a dime size amount and never looking at it again. Regardless, I at least have my denman brush to keep my hair somewhat defined, and for that, 


Lexi Pinzon

Sacred Heart '22

HI I'm Lexi! I am an English major minoring in Human Rights and Social Justice. I am an aspiring attorney who is passionate about social justice and equality. I love to write and hopefully the topics I divulge into, spanning from curly hair discussions to discrimination in our society, enlighten my readers.
Sacred Heart student from Mass, sharing my thoughts and interests with others on Her Campus :)