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5 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

This semester I am studying abroad at John Cabot University in Rome, Italy. I have been able to not only learn and immerse myself in Rome’s culture but also travel around Europe and experience different cultures and see historical landmarks. Studying abroad was one of the best decisions I have ever made as a college student and here are 5 reasons why you should study abroad too. 

  1. To travel 

During my short time here in Italy I have been able to travel to 9 different cities and still have a couple more trips planned for the remainder of the semester. I have been able to travel easily from Rome and have been able to eat absolutely amazing food, see historical landmarks, like the Acropolis in Greece and the Duomo in Milan just to name a few, and I have been able to meet people from all around the globe. 

  1. To meet different people 

The people that I have met while studying abroad are some of the most amazing people that I have ever met and I know will be my friends for the rest of my life. I have been able to meet people from all over the world and hear about their lives and share the similarities and differences we have experienced. 

  1. Broaden your education 

Here in Rome I am taking 4 different classes that have all been able to broaden my education, but in my opinion the thing that has broadened my education the most has been learning about historical events and being able to go to where they took place. For example, for one of my classes here we were able to travel to Pompeii and see the remains of the city after the Mount Vesuvius eruption nearly 2,000 years ago. 

  1. To become more independent

I have become more independent than I ever thought I could or wanted to. Being independent is a crucial aspect of studying abroad and it is something that you are constantly doing. It is an extremely important skill to possess and my independence has grown immensely since I have been here. 

  1. To find yourself 

Yes, I do realize how cheesy this sounds but it is really so true. I thought that I knew everything I needed to know about myself and figured out what I wanted to do with my life but I really didn’t. You are literally put in another country where everything is different. I quickly realized that I did not speak the language, the grocery store is different, and all of my friends and family are on another continent. However, I realized that putting myself in this uncomfortable situation has made me a stronger, more confident person than I ever knew I could be. 

Studying abroad has been one of the best decisions I have ever made and I know that I am a better, stronger, healthier person because of it.

Isabel Haglund

Sacred Heart '24

Isabel Haglund is a junior at Sacred Heart University majoring in Media Arts: Journalism. She is from a small town right outside of Boston, MA. This is her third year writing for Her Campus and she loves it