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15 Thoughts You Have in Outtakes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Everyone knows that claustrophobic, sick-to-your-stomach feeling you get when you walk into Outtakes around 9:15 in the morning (or any other in-between class time) all too well. The line is wrapped around the entire store and out the door, you watch from the back of the line as your favorite muffin is taken, and you silently curse the girl whose Louis Vuitton bag whacks you in the face as she reaches to get her vanilla Chobani yogurt. The place seriously affects your mental health but, for some reason, you still can’t get enough of it. If you’re an avid Outtakes visitor, these 15 thoughts definitely look familiar: 



1. OMG. This LINE.


2. They stocked up on Ben and Jerry’s. My life is complete.


3. I have class in three minutes. This line needs to move.


4. They ran out of half and half AGAIN…?


5. I’ve been in here four times today. The cashiers are definitely judging me.


6. Ugh, that girl just grabbed the last double chocolate muffin…WHY?


7. I’m so excited to drink my venti iced caramel macchiato with three pumps of caramel.


8. I feel like I’m in the Hunger Games trying to get food right now. 


9. Hopefully my professor doesn’t get mad at me when I come back to class with coffee and bagel. 


10. Will anyone notice if I just walk out with this Smartwater? Maybe if I put it in my bag I won’t get arrested. I pay thousands of dollars to attend this school. I deserve a free Smartwater. Wait. Is that a camera? Yes, there are cameras. I’ll get back in line now.



11. I’m officially going to be late for class, but I can’t say it hasn’t been worth it.


12. The line is out the door now. Sucks for them, HA…



13. I have over four hundred dining dollars left. I can’t wait to buy the entire store at the end of the semester.


14. I feel bad for other colleges that don’t get to have an Outtakes.


15. What would I do without you, Outtakes?

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Cathryn Spears

Sacred Heart

Cathryn is a nursing student at Sacred Heart University. Originally from Long Island, she came to SHU because of its outstanding reputation and friendly environment. She loves to travel and has been to 30 countries. When Cathryn is not studying or panicking about her nursing classes, you can find her practicing yoga, volunteering, telling corny jokes, or eating pizza.
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Colleen O'Melia

Sacred Heart

Colleen O'Melia is a senior at Sacred Heart University. She is an English major with a concentration in Writing. Aside from being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Sacred Heart, she is President of Sacred Heart's Education Club, volunteers at a local schools, and mentors young students.