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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

Let’s be honest.

All we’ve talked about for the past year is the worldwide pandemic that’s taken its toll on each and every one of us. 

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sick of listening to the radio or flicking through the T.V. and hearing about nothing but rising numbers and an earful about staying home. 

I get it, Premier Ford. I’m in la maison. 

I know it’s important, and I definitely make sure to stay informed, but sometimes it can be mentally draining to constantly have it repeated to you.

One thing I’ve definitely noticed throughout this time is that my spending habits during the pandemic have been a lot worse than usual. When I actually had places to go, I rarely spent money.

My friends always made fun of me when I’d pick up a top at the mall and contemplate for ten minutes just to set it back down because “I didn’t need it.”

However, as soon as I was forced to sit inside all day, it was like I stopped caring so much about the depleting number in my bank account. What I did care about was the sudden desire for the cart full of clothes sitting waiting on my computer that I just had to have. 

According to an article from J.P.Morgan, “The pandemic has pushed more shoppers online, with e-commerce now accounting for 16.1% of all U.S. sales, up from 11.8% in the first quarter and this trend is likely to stick, even as brick-and-mortar stores open their doors again.” 

For a lot of people, including myself, making myself look and feel good has been more for my mental health than anything else.

In a post by Toni Joe on her blog, Clean Stigma, she discusses the many ways we can feel confident in quarantine, and how making yourself look and feel beautiful has a direct correlation. 

“Being confident on days where you are feeling and looking your absolute worst is definitely a hard concept to learn and practice. Especially when we are in the middle of a global pandemic,” says Joe.

“You have to wake up everyday and say to yourself “I’m worth putting time into my appearance. I deserve to feel confident everyday. I am worthy of love”.

This confidence doesn’t necessarily have to mean shopping to bring your confidence up. Just simply getting up and putting some time into our hair can influence our confidence and make us feel more motivated throughout the day.

The pandemic has inspired many to change their lifestyles and work more on themselves. In doing so, a lot of us have decided that buying items so that we can feel more confident is a requirement in this process.

However, now that my closet is nearly overflowing and my parents are ready to kill me with all the packages showing up at our door, I’m definitely trying to reign it in a bit.

I’m focusing more on life post-pandemic, and all the places I can potentially go, or the things I can potentially do.

In truth, the pandemic gave me (and so many others) an opportunity to work on ourselves, but I think we can all agree it’s time to get back to living…

And doing so confidently in our fresh new outfits. 

Madison is a journalism student at Ryerson University in Toronto. She’s lived in Toronto her whole life, but hopes to travel and see the world after she graduates. Writing has always been her passion, and getting to earn a degree doing what she loves is a dream come true.
Hi! This is the contributor account for Her Campus at Ryerson.