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Photos by Photo by Francis Specker / CBS and via Billie Eilish / Instagram, Canva
Culture > Entertainment

A New World for Creative Business

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RW chapter.

A New World For Creativity in Business 

Creativity is often overlooked. But in a technological age where the sky’s the limit in terms of resources, people and inspiration we are entering a whole new world for creativity in business. 

Social Media seems to be a new platform as well as a certain ‘frame’ for modern creatives. As a 21-year-old woman, I feel as though I’ve watched creativity evolve throughout the eruption of social media, youtube, Adobe, photoshop, Canva, etc. 

Creativity in business is becoming more crucial than ever and has become the difference between whether someone becomes famous, their business booms, or their network develops. 

Some people in the industry that come to mind are Emma Chamberlain and Billie Elish, who capitalize off this creative representation in the media. Emma Chamberlain specifically has branded herself off some truly authentic creative skills. Emma understands a certain market for current fashion trends, she has the skills to photograph herself, her style, and her life with techniques that correspond with an emerging market. Wide-angle zooms, wide-leg pants, corset tops, antique-looking jewelry, not everyone gets it, but Emma is it. She has used an innate ability to capture these ideas, and she communicated herself so effectively that her life and lives similar to hers (in style and context) have been made romantic and valuable in the consumer’s eyes. 

There is much we can learn about the modern business world through young people like Emma and Billie, and there is much we can learn about where it’s going. There is no barrier any longer, social media has made a free-flowing business platform. There are no structures for professionalism. Today a lack of professionalism creates billion-dollar companies, billion-dollar celebrities, new eras of trends, and lifestyle habits. 

Similarly, Billie, who was just 16 years old when her fame began, was against all ‘celebrity’ ideas. Social Media has caught people in a timeline of life, a capture of reality, and a way to show the many sides of people and industries more candidly than ever. 

We are no longer waiting to watch the television tune in at 7 pm for an edited and scheduled program that tells us what few products are being sold, what few celebrities choose to show us, or what large data has to tell us. It’s in our back pocket, it’s uncharted, it’s leaked, it’s uncut material, data, and culture – all the time. 

The world of fame, fashion, business, lifestyle, and our access to view others’ habits has altered into a glorious world where rules are broken and money is made. 

Logistically, we can study business. But when do we find time to study the modern business person, celebrity, or blow out product? It’s incredibly fluid today, incredibly unstructured, and full of opportunity. I am intrigued by its nature and predict I will be reading books about the concepts I see happening right now in the future.

Hi, I'm Hannah! I am a Senior Marketing major at Roger Williams University. I love to design clothing, go swimming and thrift with my friends. HerCampus is such an authentic way for women to come together and see how connected we all really are. xoxo