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Life > Experiences

When you can’t dance…

Updated Published
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

Alright, I’m not gonna lie- I can’t dance! It’s just impossible for me to move by body in a “I don’t look ridiculous” way.

Let’s make up some figures here; The Rutgers lady population:  I’d say (from observation) about 65% of them know how to shake what their mothers gave ’em.  But what does that say about the rest?  That’s roughly 35% of us who don’t know what to do on the dancefloor (and I know you’re not actually texting a friend in the corner) or are seriously dance-move-challenged. So, I have a proposition for you.  Next time you’re at another crazy rager, you know what you should do?  Spell your name with you butt.  Sounds crazy, but it not only shows off unique moves that no one else at the party is doing, but it’s fun.  The longer the name, the better (so you best include that middle name of yours).  Personally, the “Z” and the “S” are my favorite, but sadly, I do not have any of those letters in my name. For those 65% of you who can shimmy, boogie down, get it on, hustle, and jive, I applaud you.  You guys are awesome.  And for those who can’t, don’t let you lack of coordination get you down.  What I’m trying to say is, just have fun.  There’s nothing more attractive than a confident woman!  Be bold and confident in your moves, no matter how silly you may feel.