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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

Today we are going to discuss self-care, which is the most underrated topic of all time. Everyone talks about it and continues to talk about it, but nobody actually does anything about it. Why do you think that that is? Well, here’s why. The number one reason people do not practice self-care is because they claim they don’t have time. This may feel like a true statement, but honestly, it is a falsification.

We have time, but time is something that you should work hard to prioritize and manage. When you immerse yourself in a hustle-and-bustle lifestyle, you become so engrossed in helping others and completing daily responsibilities that you forget about yourself. Fill your cup first before you fill others’ cups. Most of us do not live a sedentary lifestyle: we are on our feet every single day, whether it is walking to class, catching the school bus, or running to place your order at Taco Bell before it closes (get that Fire Sauce)!

People will tell you not to be stressed and to take a deep breath, but do those words of advice help you in any way? Engaging in acts of self-care is what really will help; for instance, you can sit down, light a candle, do a mindfulness activity or meditation, and drink a PSL in just five minutes’ time. Five minutes of self-care will establish a sense of calm in your life, and your body will feel refreshed after taking a minute to rest. Self-care is a one-way ticket for you to embrace a new day, a new beginning, and a new YOU. Here are some ideas that you can incorporate into your lifestyle for you to feel your very best:

Write in a journal

Your journal will be the house of your good and bad times. If you can’t talk to someone, write it down. Journaling gives you an outlet to express the emotions that you may not want to say aloud. By writing, you open up a judgment-free zone. I guarantee you, that you will feel better after pouring your heart and soul out onto paper.

Take up a new hobby, or go back to one you already had

Going back to the idea of finding a creative outlet, taking up a hobby will help divert your attention from your worries and you will be able to expand your creativity to lengths that you wouldn’t even imagine. This could be cooking a new recipe, trying a new workout, or watching a movie that you never watched before (we recommend Love At First Sight!).


Your brain needs rest, and so does your body. Sleeping ensures relaxation, a sense of calm, and establishes the mind and body connection.

Go outside and enjoy the nature of our wonderful world

Going out for a run and taking the time to clear your mind is essential to self-care. By exercising, you are increasing blood flow to the brain and encouraging yourself to promote healthy habits.

Go out with friends and family

You must surround yourself with people you love and care about. This promotes building healthy relationships and creating a safe environment. When you are alone all the time, it can get very lonely, which is why spending time with family and friends releases positive energy and you become happy in an instant since you have a group of people you can make memories with.

Limit your screen time

In today’s day and age, everyone you meet has a cellphone with all kinds of things, including social media, mobile games, music, and so much more. Having everything in the palm of your hand is highly convenient, but there comes a point where it gets addictive and repetitive. Setting a limit for how much time you spend on your phone or other devices will open your eyes to the wonders of the outside world. Those messages can wait a few extra minutes while you take time for yourself. You work to live, not live to work, and to start your work day on the right foot and finish your work day on the right foot, it is essential to invest in at least five minutes of self-care. Taking a hot shower, writing your thoughts in a gratitude journal, or practicing a mindfulness exercise allows you to listen to your body and give that time to appreciate yourself and what you and your body can accomplish. Taking care of yourself before others will allow you to become the best version of yourself, which you will portray to the world, and by following at least one of the following self-care tips every day, you will feel enlightened, calmer, happier, and you will be able to spread that joy to others. 

Anjali Ravi

Rutgers '26

I'm Anjali, and I am a Public Health major with a double minor in Public Policy and Disability Studies! I am passionate about hard work, strong work ethic, mental health, women's rights, and community service! In my spare time, I enjoy exercising, cooking, writing, and watching new movies!
Radiya Rahman

Rutgers '28

I'm a pharmacy major at Rutgers, and I love to find new creative outlets to express my interests. Some of my hobbies include playing the piano, painting, and reading in my free time.