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Rutgers Running Routes: RU Ready To Get Fit?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

Sick of running on the treadmill at the gym? Need some new fitness inspiration and motivation? Try one of these running routes around campus! You can make them as long or as short as you want, and fit them in whenever you have some free time in your schedule. There is one for each Rutgers campus. Check them out!

The College Ave-Busch Route: One route a lot of Rutgers students living on College Avenue Campus and Busch Campus take part in is the route from College Ave to Busch. On Route 18, the portion of the road from College Ave to Busch has a sidewalk pedestrians can use. Most of the time, you will see students utilizing this sidewalk for running. Depending on what points you go from, the route can be anywhere from a mile to a two mile run! For students who enjoy running from one point to another, this route is for you! This is definitely a workout worth considering! Another cool aspect of this run is not only the weight loss, but also the bragging rights in the process! Being able to run from campus to campus is impressive!

Buccleuch Park – Another route that’s heavily used on College Ave is in Buccleuch Park.  If you’re the type of runner that enjoys running in a circular fashion and also enjoys some natural scenery, then this is the route for you!  The trail is 1.5 miles long, but if you’re someone who likes to run further than that, make the circle as many times as you’d like!  This route, just like the College Ave-Busch route, also gives you the ability to choose the distance and effectiveness of your workout.  Own that park!

Livingston Route #1 – For the Livingston residents out there, here is a route for you! The route itself is kind of a rectanglular shape. For explanatory purposes, I’ll start at the Rutgers Business school (RBS), but you can start from any point on the route. From RBS, you go down Avenue E, and then make a left on Road 3. From there, you make another left once your reach Joyce Kilmer Ave. Lastly, you will make a left on Rockafeller Road and you’re back at RBS! This route is 1.35 miles long. You can make this route longer by continuing to run the rectangle.

Livingston Route #2 – Want to switch it up or do a shorter run, Livi students? Here is a second route to mix it up! This route is .75 miles long.  You start at the crossroad of Avenue E and Road 3. Then you turn right and continue down Road 3. At the end of Road 3, you make a left onto Road 1. Take Road 1 until you reach Postal Plaza. You then make a left onto that road. After that you make a final left back onto Road 3! If you want to make this route longer, you can run it as many times as you want.

The Cook/Douglass Route – For cook/douglass students here is a 1 mile route that is very simple to follow! Start at the bus stop on George Street and then make a right onto Nichols Ave. Go down until you reach Lipman Drive. Run on Lipman Drive until you’re back on Nichols Ave! Go right on Nichols Ave and run straight until you hit George Street again! You can make this run longer by repeating it. Even if you only do one mile, that is still a great workout!

​Switch it up a bit and take some time to take a nice relaxing run outside. Pick a route that works best for you and get your run on! 

Hi, my name is Nicole and I am a senior at Rutgers University - New Brunswick. I am an English major and I am double minoring in Psychology and Digital Communication Information Media Studies. I love writing, italian food, traveling, playing soccer, dancing and living life to the fullest. My favorite TV shows are Pretty Little Liars and Game of Thrones. When it comes to music all you need to know is that I am obsessed with Bruce Springsteen. My future goal is to write for a magazine. That is me in a nutshell :)