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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.


This semester was a marathon but we made it! Academics are one of the most important parts of college. And, as we know, taking a good class can make or break a semester.

Check out our favorite classes of the semester:


Race Relations with Professor Wilhelms

Introduction to Criminal Justice with Professor Donnelly

Apocalypse with Professor Miller

Once Upon a Time: Why We Tell Stories with Professor Iannini

Psychics with Professor Brahmia

Nature of Politics with Professor Murphy

Race and Sex in America with Professor White

Business Decision Analytics Under Uncertainty with Professor Eckstein


(Please keep in mind that these are our opinions and suggestions. All students should investigate each class they plan to take before enrolling.)

Born and raised in Northern New Jersey, Faith attends Rutgers University in New Brunswick, where she plans to major in Psychology and minor in Philosophy and Criminology.  Faith enjoys writing and traveling. She loves cats, books, and the color blue. In the future, Faith would like to attend law school.
Part grandma who enjoys baking, knitting, cats, and scarves while also part child who still can't handle anything remotely scary and always needs a blanket.
A Senior at Rutgers University double majoring in Political Science and Economics who loves books, Broadway, and petting dogs.