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I Don’t Need Your Judgment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

“Oh my god, why would you do that? Honestly, babe you need to chill because that was just sooo wrong and I can’t understand how you could ever justify that to be okay. You gotta figure your shit out hun.” OKAY Jessica (just random name, I’d never call out a friend like that haha), I get it and you have the morals of a god but you need to take a couple steps back alright. And when I say a couple I hope you know that I mean a couple HUNDRED steps back.

Here’s the thing. We’ve all done things that we aren’t super proud of. And yes, while some of us only have a laundry list worth of items, others have enough instances to fill a novel (AKA me). But here is the recurring theme that I notice when said deed is confessed: non-stop judgement just coming at you from all angles! It tends to be primarily from one person, at least the others are polite-ish and don’t share their disapproval of you publicly. But there’s always a Jessica. Like hi, hello, yes I’m looking for my FRIEND, the one that is supposed to make me feel a little less like crap and a little more like a decent human! Amiga, where you at? All of a sudden all the spotlight is on you and your sins and there’s no leeway to even explain yourself. How did I get here? No clue. This just isn’t fair, plain and simple. And personally I hold the belief that a person shouldn’t be made to feel ashamed about their decisions.

Now before you go about thinking I’m insane, just hear me out alright. I think a major problem with the way we perceive things in society today is that everything is black or white. You are expected to adhere to a certain standard and when a certain chain of events cause you to fall off that standard, you are expected to regret your actions. Regrets. Are they really all that necessary? I don’t think so. The focus should be on moving forward, not moping over events. If you just let go and vibe with whatever is going on, you’ll find yourself a lot less stressed and upset from situations. Additionally you’ll find that when you take things lightly, other people will too because I guarantee that at the end of the day, it’s really not that big of a deal. Life is an experience and that’s the mindset that I use whenever I make questionable  decisions. Honestly, who knows whether or not you’re going to have the opportunity to do things you’re doing now, in the future. Moments are so fleeting and that’s why you should just take everything in stride. Whatever happens, I add it as a story to the books and so should you.

To wrap this up, I highly recommend telling your friend to ease up, smile and make dumb decisions alongside you. But if she decides to not come along for the ride you do not need her judgment and quite frankly you should no longer care. If Jessica can’t bring you up then you’re just going to have to do it yourself (and if we’re being real you’d probably do a better job anyway).  So keep your head high, your standards higher (if you can) and go be rash, it’s your time darling. 

Just a brutally honest, short indian girl with a slight coffee addiction.
Born and raised in Northern New Jersey, Faith attends Rutgers University in New Brunswick, where she plans to major in Psychology and minor in Philosophy and Criminology.  Faith enjoys writing and traveling. She loves cats, books, and the color blue. In the future, Faith would like to attend law school.