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Advice Of The Week: What You Should Do With An Unwanted Ex Near You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.


So, a woman walks into a bar… Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke but it gets worse – much worse. One of the most nerve-racking situations a female can walk into is one in which she goes out and sees the infamous ex. Women dread the idea that there is a chance they can run into ex-hookups during a night on the town. However, we must accept that in a tight-knit college community these things are bound to happen. If you’re afraid of two being a little too much to tango, the best thing to do is mentally prepare yourself for the inevitable. Luckily, you have me!


What do you do when you run into an ex-fling and you aren’t looking your best? You keep walking! Nobody (not even me) looks good all of the time. But, and I hate to break it to you, most of the time nobody is paying attention. If you keep walking and try to look like you’re extremely busy or late to be somewhere, it totally takes attention off of the hole in your sweater or the frizziness of your hair. You have to try to have this look on your face like, “Listen honey, I am way too busy to care right now because I have things to do and places to be. Maybe YOU should up your to do list.” Your A-Game doesn’t have to turn off just because you feel you’re not looking your best. Remember what Drake said! “Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin’ with no make up on. That’s when you’re the prettiest, I hope that you don’t take that wrong…”

How should you act in front of an ex who never called you back? Like you don’t even remember meeting him. Exes absolutely HATE thinking that you’ve moved on. I don’t care what your friends and significant others have told you, everybody gets that bitter sensation that comes with knowing your ex has moved on to bigger and better things. So if you encounter the foolish individual who missed out on all your love, you have to keep it cool and calm… and grab another partner and start dancing! If you’re interested in grabbing their attention, there’s no better way to do it. And even if you aren’t, you don’t want to look like you’re alone and desperate while they’re having the time of they’re life! Even if you are just popping, locking, and dropping it with a couple of your gal pals, you have to look like you’re genuinely having fun. And why shouldn’t you genuinely have fun? That’s what I thought.

What should you do if you run into an ex while snuggling with your current? Run. That is an absolute recipe for disaster. There is no reason to sit quietly and wait for the drama to unfold (unless you’re curious). Even if you don’t think your ex will approach you directly, you don’t want your anxious glances to be a catalyst for a love triangle that you can’t handle. Suggest another place to go out or even feign an illness. But whatever you decide to do, make sure it is elsewhere because I promise you an awkward conversation at the very least if you stick around.


Well ladies, if you were curious about handle these situations now you know. And you don’t have to feel bad about anything. At the end of the day, your past is your past for a reason and the only thing you should worry about is moving forward. A part of being a woman is being able to confront your problems and not letting them take too much of a toll on your life. I promise if it’s happened to you, it’s probably happened to a million other girls. You are not alone! Best of luck. :)


If you want my advice for a particular crisis, email me: GottaAskNatalie@gmail.com

On October 22, 1992 ... a star was born! Or something like that anyway. Regardless, I give great advice! Every girl-friend's personal (and unpaid) therapist, I am here to assist you in finding solutions your every day woes. I am a 20 year old senior at Rutgers and I have been through the ringer! But I use my own personal experiences (both good and bad) to advise the masses.