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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Entering my sophomore year of college, I was stuck feeling stagnant. This feeling of discontent applied to both my career goals and my way of life. I always knew I enjoyed traveling and immersing myself in new cultures, which prompted me to set up an appointment to meet with Rowan’s study abroad advisor. After discussing my program options and dream destinations, I left the encounter set on studying International Business in Barcelona, Spain.

Due to my work commitment and course load, I didn’t feel I could leave behind my current obligations for an entire semester. Instead, I opted for a January Term (winter break) program. I later spent some of the most challenging, inspiring, and mesmerizing three weeks of my twenty years learning how to adapt to new cultures, customs, and way of life. Speaking little to no Spanish also proved to be a challenge for me. Managing public transportation, ordering food, and communicating with others was tough. Despite the language barrier, it taught me a whole new level of confidence and reliability in myself that I never would have believed I possessed.

Studying abroad allowed me to meet a wonderful and diverse group of people from all parts of the world that I am still in contact with today. This opportunity has, and continues to, create many opportunities that allow me to advance in my career and become a more well rounded person, all while having fun doing so.  I am so grateful for the lessons I learned and the experiences I have gained from studying abroad, and I truly hope that others can take the same leap out of their comfort zone so they too can get a life changing, global perspective like I did.

Read more about my travels on my personal blog