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Self-Defense and Safety Tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

A large concern in today’s world is safety. We hear stories of people getting robbed or attacked every day. As a female college student the fear of these things happening is constant. Last year in Glassboro alone there were 18 robberies, 14 assaults, and 329 thefts in the year 2012 (more information can be found at http://www.usa.com/glassboro-nj-crime-and-crime-rate.htm). Those statistics show that Glassboro is not the safest town to be living in. As a female college student, it is always best to make sure that you’re safe at night and aware of the dangers that are out there. Here are some safety tips/tricks:


1.      Always walk in a group: Never walk somewhere alone and if you must, make sure that it’s in a well lit area where there are cars. Someone is less likely to commit a crime if there are going to be witnesses.

2.      Call the shuttle: The Rowan shuttle is here to help us get to where we need to go free of charge. If you have to get somewhere at night and you’re by yourself, call the shuttle or wait at one of the designated spots. You can find the schedule at http://www.rowan.edu/safety/scpp/safewalk.html

3.      Have a walking escort: Rowan offers this service to students and staff. If you feel unsafe walking from one part of campus to another you can call 856-256-4922 and a member of Public Safety will escort you to your destination.

4.      Take a self-defense class: Call local community centers or go online and find self-defense classes. Knowing how to protect yourself and how to escape a potentially life threatening situation is the ultimate weapon.

5.      Buy mace: It is available at any sporting goods store. It is sprayed in the face of the attacker and renders them incapacitated.

6.      Buy a self-defense product: There is a large variety of items online that can be used for self-defense such as key chains, rings, etc.



Once again, ladies, don’t live in fear and learn how to fully protect yourself!


Hello! My name is Laurie Toich and I am a senior at Rowan University. I am a Writing Arts major with specializations in Creative Writing and Technical/Professional Writing. In my spare time I like spending time with my friends, working out, and writing. In the future I hope to be a published novelist and poet. I believe that if you follow your passion it will never lead you astray!