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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.


Only a sophomore at Rowan, Katarina “Katti” DeFelice has already showed that she’s a force to be reckoned with through her campus involvement, ambition, and charisma! If you haven’t already seen her bustling about on campus, read more to find out about her and her next big move: Being part of the Disney College Program!

1) What are your positions/jobs on campus now?

            I am the Director of Philanthropy for Rowan’s PRSSA chapter, I am the Student Government Association Representative from Sigma Alpha Lambda, I am a member of the Women’s Physique Club, a PROS member, a Student Worker in the College of Communication and Creative Arts Deans office, and a Peer Mentor through the Harley Flack Peer Mentoring Program. I’m also an Account Manager in PRaction, Rowan’s student-run PR Agency (we won best student-run firm in the nation this year!) and am involved in community service opportunities at Rowan (participated in Clean and Green; helping to plan Back to the Boro).


2) For those who don’t know, can you tell us a little about the DCP?

            The “DCP,” or the Disney College Program, is an internship program sponsored by the Disney Company for college students. The Disney College Program is offered in Disneyland and Walt Disney World. The internship is semester-long or more and the Cast Member can work any jobs from custodial to character performer! Housing is provided, but taken out of the Cast Member’s paycheck. Transportation is provided to the Cast Member’s job as well. Oh, and you get to go to Walt Disney World for free like EVERY DAY.


3) What made you want to apply for the DCP?

            I’ve been a life-long Disney fanatic. My boyfriend bought me a poster with Rapunzel, Cinderella and Belle for my sophomore apartment and deals with my incessant singing of “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?”! Applying to the Disney College Program has been a pipe dream of mine since senior year of high school, but one Friday night after copious amounts of homework, I decided since I was already a semester ahead in college I could apply to live a year in Disney.

3) What will you specifically be doing as part of the DCP?

            I will be in entertainment!

4) What are you most excited for?

            I am most excited to make magical moments for all the guests of Walt Disney World. I was able to make a magical moment for a young girl named Ellie a few years ago when I visited Disney World with my friends. Ellie was about to lose her sight and her parents wanted her to see Disney World before the surgery, and for some reason I had started singing a Happy Birthday harmony song with my friends. Her father heard us sing and we sang to her the entire way out of the park and even got hugs!!!!

5) What will you miss most about Rowan?

            I will miss my friends most when I leave. I have awesomely amazing roommates and a close-knit group of friends in my clubs. I will also really miss my boyfriend Lucas. Even though he doesn’t go to Rowan, he’s up here all the time and it will be extremely hard not seeing him every weekend. I will really miss making memories with everyone, but I’m excited to make new ones too!

6) How do you think this experience will benefit you in your future career/personal goals?

            One of the main reasons I took this internship was its effect on my future plans. Having the Walt Disney Company as a reference will take me very far in life, and being one of the few who are granted entrance into the Disney College Program will show not only that I’m a leader and a go-getter, but I’m professional enough to merit this type of experience. I will also have many opportunities to network within a Fortune 100 company; which is very advantageous for my career field.

7) How do you think Rowan has prepared you to go all the way off to Florida?

Rowan has given me communication, networking and leadership skills that have enhanced my personality and readied me for this next adventure. I sit on two executive boards, helped to charter a new sports club, act as a PROS member and serve as a mentor for younger students while taking 18 credits. I’ve learned time management and how to set priorities in my freshman year at Rowan, and I’ll keep learning as my college career progresses.

If you want to keep up with Katti and how she will represent Rowan in Florida, check out her blog, http://iamgirlofwords.wordpress.com, and her YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0fq5Gejk7O5cVh7UC8k8eQ