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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Your twenties are confusing because this is a decade of us feeling as if we need everything – and we need it right now. But, simultaneously, we feel like life is over because some of us did not achieve our goals; we don’t have our dream jobs yet, some don’t have fancy cars, but most importantly, all of us are finding out who we really are. I am here to tell you to relax. Perhaps you will find your perfect career at the age of 43 or maybe you will discover you didn’t really need to get that degree at age 33.

One things for sure, be intentional. Be intentional with what you want, with yourself, and with your self-discovery.

So, you might be thinking “What does this have to do with the color green?”

Let me tell you.

We go through many stages of life. But for the falling in love with green, you only need to come to terms with these three: 

Phase 1: Go through a phase where green is seen everywhere in your everyday life! Your Starbucks cup could be your first go to. Or even decorate your room with accents of green. But for myself I have a marker. Whenever I need to remember to relax, revitalize, and energize, I do my schoolwork with my green marker. This is not only the renewal of a fresh mind, but most importantly this is the renewal of life! Green has a strong association in peace which is something we all could use in our early twenties.

Phase 2: Make your money. Health and wealth go hand over hand with each other. You could be like me and have a mindset of “more money, less problems.” But others also know that in our early twenties consists of trying to find THE job where you know you’re happy and making money doing what makes you less stressed. But let me tell you the secret to it all… do it all with love. Growth should be within you and that Gucci wallet. 

Phase 3: Be a mom… If you’re not one already. Being a plant mom has taught me that God restores you, you just need patience and nurturing. Take this phase as your final lesson in your twenties. Plant the seed. Visualize the seeds as your own hopes and dreams. Let this symbolize your happiness. Being a plant mom may look easy to some, but when you’re actually doing so, many find it difficult to nurture such a simple thing because they make plants seem so insignificant. When in reality, they are mini you’s! The more you feed them, they will grow – recognize that this is the same way you are conquering your goals. 

Honey, recognize the phase of green in your twenties and marinate on my final words. Go to Target and buy a sage green bowl. Find a piece of artwork with a bit of green in it and admire its undertones. And remember to romanticize green and its various shades and hues.

Writing needs to be in the form of your most authentic self. Expressing yourself in the most poetic form of self love. My writing makes me feel my most comfortable. Especially writing about my faith because that is apart of my authentic self. My fear in God makes me beautiful and adding a dash of God in my writings me even more beautiful.