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Guy Advice Column: Dealing with Clingy Guys

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

Relationships are always marked up with fine lines. There’s the difference in being a good partner, or whipped. There’s the line of being talkative or annoying, acting caring or creepy, or even the line of showing a nice side or being naïve. No matter what, these lines are in play, even if you try to ignore them.


One of the worst lines that is crossed often, is the line between acting loving or caring and being clingy. It’s one of the worst things a guy can do, to both a girl and to his own manhood.You seldom hear stories where after the relationship ends, someone acts like its not actually over. It does happen and is the worst when it comes from the guy. Shaking off a guy who doesn’t get that you’re not into him can prove difficult or easy. It depends on how mean you want to act.


Trying to break it off with someone acting clingy in a nice way is almost non-existent. Unless you put your foot down, the guy is going to keep trying and trying to “win you over.” The simplest action you can take is to act upfront and honest. Sugarcoating will make it seem like he has a small window that he can try to get back through. The only way to get something across to a lot of guys is to just speak plainly and make it clear. You may have to say it’s not something you want in your life. If you can’t sound so upfront and honest, you’re in for a lot of complications and annoying texts or calls.


This topic almost turns into a life lesson. You just have to make your message clear. For someone to take you seriously, act forward and honest. Most guys don’t want anything else; no cryptic messages, no hints, no guessing. That’s how you ditch clingy guys and work towards finding a good one.