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Campus Celebrity: Jesica Leon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Roosevelt chapter.


Name: Jesica Leon

Age: 22

Major: Hospitality and Tourism Management

Minor: Hispanic Studies

Hometown: Merlose Park

Are you a Feminist? I have always been a feminist. But it was not until this year that I actually decided to take a class on it and become educated on different concepts and terms that go along with being a feminist.

What are your plans after graduation? After I graduate, I plan to take a break and then continue my education in Student Affairs. My ultimate goal in life is to plan motivational/educational conferences for minority high school students and their parents.

What makes you stand out? Besides being tall? hahah. In all seriousness, what I believe makes me stand out is that I stand up for what I believe! I am confident in what I fight for. I am always positive in the classroom, organizations, at work, and in a social laid back atmosphere as well.

Why did you come to RU? I chose RU because of my major and the major opportunities I knew it would bring me. I knew the location was perfect to network and better yet, it is close to home.

What is your favorite thing about Roosevelt? My favorite things about RU is the opportunity to grow and become a greater individual.

Anything else you want to share about RU? I wanted to transfer after my freshman year, but I knew I had to stay to change some things around. I hope I have made my impact in the community. Many things are coming together my senior year that I have been working with for a couple of years such as the Diversity Center.

You’re our Campus Celebrity because of the awesome work you do with your sorority and your sisters.

Why did you choose your sorority? I chose to be in Gamma Phi Omega International Sorority Inc. (GPhiO) because it was once an active sorority on campus, but died off when sisters graduated. I knew I had to bring it back to RU. The metropolitan chapter was founded Aug 23, 2003 currently made up of RU, RMU, and Columbia.

What does your sorority stand for? (Values, Philanthropy, Charity)

4 Values/goals: Academic Excellence, Community Service, Cultural Awareness, and Sisterhood. Our philanthropy is the American Diabetes Association.

What things can RU students look forward to seeing with your sorority? We have many great events in store for next semester!! Look out for our founding week of events. Our next big event is December 1st and a collaboration with ALAS and Phi Iota Alpha.

Anything else you want to add? Definitely consider Greek life! Find a sorority or fraternity that aligns with your personal goals. We do many things that go unnoticed because many think that greek life is made up of partying and “buying” friends. IT IS NOT!!! Do your research, and if you do not find one you like on campus bring a new one on board!!! We want expansion and being at RU we are inclusive to all.