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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rollins chapter.

As the colder weather approaches, people around the country are trading their sandals for boots, meaning it’s time to discuss the upcoming style icons of the season- Doc Martens. People have very strong feelings towards Docs – either love or hate – but the boots are coming into season, a stylish piece that goes with jeans or dresses and can change any outfit. The hardest part of Docs is breaking in the shoes and the care process. So to break it down, here’s the simplest form of breaking in Docs and the ultimate care guide: 

Breaking in Docs is not that difficult of a process, really- it’s just time consuming. The first step is to either wear thick socks or to wear two pairs of socks to prevent blistering. It’s also beneficial to use blister balms on areas like the heel to be safe.

Wearing more than one pair of socks or thicker socks helps to help loosen the leather and shape it to your foot. Next the easiest trick to get the leather to conform is to wear the shoes starting in small intervals, like at first starting with 15 minutes, then 30 minutes, then 45 minutes to work up to wearing them for long periods. 

Now on to keeping the Doc’s safe. Keeping Doc Martens clean helps to protect the leather and help the boots or shoes last for as long as possible. To clean the Docs, the first step is to unlace the boots and clean the laces with warm water separately. The only way to properly clean the tongue of the shoes is to remove the laces.

First, take a soft dry cloth to wipe off the surface level dust- even a duster cloth can work as well. Then, take a soft damp cloth with warm water to wipe off the dirt. The fourth step is to wax the boots, typically using the brand’s Wonder Balsam. Using the sponge provided with the wax, apply a light layer of the wax, avoiding any designs on the boots. Once the light layer is applied to the entire shoe, replace the shoes and they’re ready to wear again.

Belle Daoust

Rollins '25

Isabelle (Belle) Daoust is looking to double major in Theatre and Psychology and is part of the Honors College at Rollins. She enjoys reading, listening to music, and as a third culture kid, she, of course, loves to travel.