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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rollins chapter.

Getting turned down for an internship or job feels just like a devastating breakup. Nothing makes you check your ego like receiving that email letting you know that someone else was more qualified than you. More organized, more experienced, more professional. It’s easy to start wondering why your resume wasn’t polished enough or if it was the outfit you wore for the interview. 

The truth is, you need to remember one thing: it could be anything. You’ll never meet the candidate that they chose so don’t waste your time comparing your skills to that person. Again, it’s just like a breakup- try to keep in mind that you’ll never really know their reasoning, and there could be several factors at play. Connections are huge- maybe you were both impressive applicants but they had an industry contact. These are things that you can work on with networking, but ultimately you cannot control the connections that your competitors have secured. 

The next step is again, just like a breakup. The best way to move forward onto new opportunities is to bounce back ASAP and get back on those job boards. Whether you’re applying for service industry positions in restaurants, or you’re a senior looking at “big kid” jobs, the same rule applies- the more people you send your resume to, the more exposure you’re going to get.

I’ve had smoothie shops ghost me after saying they’d hire me, and I’ve had gyms take five or more months to get back to me about my application. I’ve had elite internships at CNN and NBC turn me down, and even a job on campus at WPRK. I’ve been rejected as a tour guide, an R.A, a waitress, and more. It’s best to let the disappointment sink in for a moment but then send your resume to ten more places to rebound from the downfall. 

Making sure you’re looking for work in the right places is key- while ZipRecruiter, Indeed and Glassdoor seem like great options with loads of job postings, Rollins Handshake is far more acute for searching. On Handshake, employers are looking specifically for Rollins students, so you’re already put at an advantage. ZipRecruiter is fun to browse, but they’ll share your information with tons of companies that you never asked for, and clog your inbox with junk mail. I’ve now gotten two amazing marketing internships through Rollins Handshake, and I know that’s where I’ll be looking for post-grad, too.

Meredith Klenkel is a Senior English major and the founder of Her Campus at Rollins. She aspires to write comedy for late night T.V one day and publish her own memoirs.