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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

The great thing about blogs is that any girl can decide to make one.  Blog’s are an easy way to keep your style up to date, make sure your celebrity knowledge is better than all your friends ( you know how great it was to know about Kim’s divorce before Kris even did) , and learn how to make endless “DIY” projects for your dorm.  Behind any good blog there seems to be some wonder woman who knows all and is gracious enough to lend her experience and knowledge.  In reality ,the blog you live by may be the work of the girl sitting behind you in math class, with a Martha Stewart subscription and Perez Hilton App on her iPhone.  While it is great that so many aspiring writers find success in blogs, it is important we investigate before we start taking too much critical life advice from them. 
            The site I have in mind while advising this is  www.betcheslovethissite.com.  While I admit I visit this site and find it pretty hilarious at times, it actually sends horrible messages to impressionable young girls. While there is harmless tips like “how to pretend to know about sports” there are also really serious issues that she repeatedly talks about.  The “Betch List” which includes a list of what all girls should know includes lessons like sh** talking 2.0, gossip girl, and diets. With all the issues in schools right now over bullying the last thing a girl needs to be learning is how to properly gossip, we all know we would have been better off without it in 8th grade.  My biggest problem with this blogger isn’t her advocating pills, using guys, manipulating everyone who crosses your path, but instead, it’s her repetitive message that a happy girl is a skinny girl.  This betch seems to always mention that being skinny is of utmost importance and she suggests bulimia and anorexia repeatedly.  She even goes as far as to list Mary-Kate Olsen as a skinny idol (keep in mind Mary-Kate Olsen had to go to rehab for her eating habits).  Several other intelligent quotes include “she is listed as a size 2, and that’s almost fat” and  “a betch will not eat for days because nothing tastes as good as thin feels.”  So although this blog can be hilarious, and even informative at times, keep in mind anyone can be reading this or any blog for that matter.   An insecure teen that just wants that one boy to like her, or to sit at that cool lunch table, is living by ‘The Betch List” and at what true cost?

            So while I live by a good blog and have at least 5 of them across my bookmark bar, be aware as to whose advice you’re taking when it comes to serious matters. And for all of you out there with a blog or thinking about creating one, keep in mind the information you are putting on the Internet can be seen by anyone.  Make sure you only include the best information that helped make you the secure, confident, and already betch-tastic without a list of rules.  

Meghan Liptak is a senior at the University of Rochester. She is majoring in Political Science and has been part of the Her Campus Rochester team as a contributing writer for over a year. Meghan looks forward to taking over as campus correspondent and copy editor of Her Campus Rochester this upcoming school year.
Hilary Rosenthal is a senior International Relations major and minor in Journalism at the University of Rochester. Hilary recently returned from a semester abroad in Barcelona, Spain and is excited to return to campus. She is a a varsity lacrosse player, Vice President of Panhellenic Conduct, a writer for Athletic Communications and a writer for the Campus Times. She hails from Loudonville, New York and loves skiing, fashion, exploring music, hot yoga, ice cream and fro- yo, traveling, cooking, nail polish and a great book. Although most of her experience is in the political field, she is extremely excited to work on and start a Her Campus branch at the University of Rochester.