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Meet Varsity Lacrosse Captain Niki Holmes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

What activities are you involved in on campus?
I am in Kappa Delta Sorority and I am on the Women’s Lacrosse Team. I also work intramural sports.
How do you keep all your activities balanced?
Well Keegan funny you should ask ,I’m really lucky to have a good group of friends who keep me in check. They make sure I don’t get too busy and keep me sane.

What would you like to accomplish in your last year here at UR?
I would love for my team to make it to the Liberty League Finals. We have been working our butts off this year and want to prove that we have what it takes to make it.
What are your plans for next year?
Next year I am planning on attending law school.
Do you have any advice for underclasswomen?
I would just say to live it up. The four years go by so fast and it was one of the best times of my life.

Hilary Rosenthal is a senior International Relations major and minor in Journalism at the University of Rochester. Hilary recently returned from a semester abroad in Barcelona, Spain and is excited to return to campus. She is a a varsity lacrosse player, Vice President of Panhellenic Conduct, a writer for Athletic Communications and a writer for the Campus Times. She hails from Loudonville, New York and loves skiing, fashion, exploring music, hot yoga, ice cream and fro- yo, traveling, cooking, nail polish and a great book. Although most of her experience is in the political field, she is extremely excited to work on and start a Her Campus branch at the University of Rochester.