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Meet the Delta Phi Omega President Maral Arjomandi

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

1.    How long have you been a member of DPO? 
Well, since founding Delta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. officially on the Rochester campus in Spring of 2010, it has been about a year and half! 

2. As President, what are your goals for DPO this semester? 
My personal goal as President is to provide the best environment and motivation for my sisters to have the best year in their college careers! For DPO as a whole, I expect us to rise and fulfill new goals and really make a positive impact on the college community. 

3. What are the major challenges/ rewards of being president of an organization? 
Some major challenges about being President is just staying organized and making sure everything is going according to plan. The reward is to see all the hard work of my motivated sisters pay off! All of us have unique innovative ideas, and watching those ideas become realities is so amazing! 

4. What other campus organizations are you involved in? 
On campus, I am a part of a competitive dance team, Rochester Raas. Not only do we do performances on campus, but we also travel to competitions nationwide! 

5. Lastly, what is your favorite fall activity? 
My favorite fall activity would have to be apple picking with friends and then making hot apple cider later that night with everyone. 

Hilary Rosenthal is a senior International Relations major and minor in Journalism at the University of Rochester. Hilary recently returned from a semester abroad in Barcelona, Spain and is excited to return to campus. She is a a varsity lacrosse player, Vice President of Panhellenic Conduct, a writer for Athletic Communications and a writer for the Campus Times. She hails from Loudonville, New York and loves skiing, fashion, exploring music, hot yoga, ice cream and fro- yo, traveling, cooking, nail polish and a great book. Although most of her experience is in the political field, she is extremely excited to work on and start a Her Campus branch at the University of Rochester.