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Follow Up on Campus Celeb Chris Bickford

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

First of all congratulations!! Catch us up from when we talked last time, how does it feel to get this far in the process?
 It’s awesome! I really didn’t expect to have made it this far.
Was it nerve racking going into the combine? What did you do to prepare?
 It was I was nervous kind of like before a game just because I did not know what to expect. But when we started it really wasn’t anything to be intimidated by.
Where was it, and how does the process work?
 It was in New Jersey at the Jets practice facility. There were people from all divisions and we ran through drills for scouts from the Jets, Giants, Eagles, and the Panthers.
What happens when you leave, do you have any information or do you just have to wait?
 They have all of our info and if the teams feel that you did well enough then they invite you for more workouts. Then yes it’s just the waiting game.
What was it like getting the call from the Texans?
 It was the best thing of my life. I played it off cool but was so nervous.
What does a “work-out” entail?
 Pretty much the same thing as the combines, but knowing they were there just for me was awesome.
How do you feel looking back at the process? I’m sure just getting to the point you have reached has made your family and your friends extremely proud!
 I feel the whole process has been pretty good and successful.

Meghan Liptak is a senior at the University of Rochester. She is majoring in Political Science and has been part of the Her Campus Rochester team as a contributing writer for over a year. Meghan looks forward to taking over as campus correspondent and copy editor of Her Campus Rochester this upcoming school year.
Hilary Rosenthal is a senior International Relations major and minor in Journalism at the University of Rochester. Hilary recently returned from a semester abroad in Barcelona, Spain and is excited to return to campus. She is a a varsity lacrosse player, Vice President of Panhellenic Conduct, a writer for Athletic Communications and a writer for the Campus Times. She hails from Loudonville, New York and loves skiing, fashion, exploring music, hot yoga, ice cream and fro- yo, traveling, cooking, nail polish and a great book. Although most of her experience is in the political field, she is extremely excited to work on and start a Her Campus branch at the University of Rochester.