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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           This is a blog for college women, but I must give praise where praise is due. While I applaud confident style and an attention to detail in any collegiette, I think we must also recognize the males who are doing their part to dig Rochester out of its fashion rut. Quite simply, what a pair of well fitting dark wash jeans can do for a female, a crisp white oxford shirt can do for a male. I had to pull Ki away from his duties as a tour guide for this interview, but thank you Meridian Society for choosing such a well dressed representative! Nothing looks better on the first warm day of spring than the Eastman Quad and seersucker.
Ki Cheng
Class of 2013
Orlando, Florida
Psychology Major
Oxford Shirt: Ralph Lauren
Shorts and Belt: Men’s Club Room
Shoes: Payless Shoes
Bracelet: American Eagle
NG: Do you always make an effort to dress nicely or is this a one-time-deal?
KC: I always try to dress nicely. You never get to make a first impression twice. It also seemed fitting for a nice day.
NG: Why do you think it’s important for guys to care about what they wear?
KC: It’s important for guys to dress properly because it says a lot about how you carry yourself. It’s not just about trying to look good. The important part is presenting yourself in a positive and friendly way. We don’t always notice, but we make snap judgments about people based on what they wear. Nobody wants to be friends with people who wear rags and smell. It’s about maintaining your appearance and being confident in who you are.
NG: How would you describe your style?
KC: Formal-casual. I enjoy dressing nicely but staying comfortable!
NG: Is there anyone that inspires your style?
KC: No one individual inspires my style. I just take mental notes of people I see on a regular basis.
NG: What is currently playing on your iPod?
KC: “California Love” by Tayyib Ali

Kaitlin Carragher is a junior at the University of Rochester majoring in Economics and minoring in Legal Studies.  While she has no previous experience with journalism, she is very excited to be a part of the Her Campus team.  Speaking of journalism, she put off writing this bio for four months, but hey who's counting?  Since her major's not quite her favorite thing, Kaitlin has spent most of her undergraduate career getting involved on campus.  She is currently President of the Epsilon Rho Chapter of Kappa Delta Sorority, an active member of student government, a Student-Alumni Ambassador, Relay for Life coordinator, and a few other other things--guess you can never have too many activities.  Originally from the suburbs of Boston, Kaitlin will be spending this summer in Dublin, Ireland, where she's hoping to finally be among people that are just as pale and freckled as she is.  Along with being pale, her other main weaknesses include a fear of the ocean, hatred of potato chips, and the inability to correctly pronounce "hot dog."  Kaitlin's current obsessions include Groupon, greek yogurt, and 90s pop music.  After college Kaitlin hopes to go into marketing, but she is currently searching for ways to extend the length of senior year to forever.