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Boston Strong

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rochester chapter.

This has been one of the toughest weeks for America I have seen in my lifetime.  Between the tragedy in Texas and the events that took the world by storm in Boston.  I wanted to take the time this week to express Her Campus Rochester’s support and love for our Her Campus branches in Boston, and also extend our thoughts to the families of the victims in Boston.  Being from the East coast this tragedy hit me personally hard.  I have multiple friends and family members that call Boston their home, and it is one of my favorite cities in the world.  I will not recap events because we all know what happened, and I will not repeat the names of the bombers because they don’t deserve the recognition.  However I do want to remind everyone reading this to keep these people in your thoughts when you think about the events of this past week.


Krystle Campbell Medford, Mass. | Age 29


Martin Richard Boston, Mass. | Age 8


Lu Lingzi Shenyang, China | Age 23


Sean A. Collier Somerville, Mass. | Age 26

Also, to the countless others effected and victimized by the horrendous actions.  

We have seen our country and our world come together at a time that it needed to most, and I hope we each appreciate things a little more today than we did yesterday…

Sweet Caroline. 

Meghan Liptak is a senior at the University of Rochester. She is majoring in Political Science and has been part of the Her Campus Rochester team as a contributing writer for over a year. Meghan looks forward to taking over as campus correspondent and copy editor of Her Campus Rochester this upcoming school year.